I have been wearing my babies since the beginning of my mothering days. But I’m no expert. I just feel it is was a good way to keep my babies close and safe. Yes, I said SAFE. Because babywearing IS safe.
I used to wear The B Man while I did dishes. Sometimes it was the only way he would fall asleep while I needed to get a few things done. I think it was because he could hear my heartbeat and feel me walk, just like when he was in the womb.
In light of the recent recalls by the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commision) Steph has asked for a call to action. Please visit her to get all the “deets” and join the movement to let people know that babywearing IS safe and one of the best ways to bond with and transport your baby.
And if you’re so inclined, write your own post and link up at Adventures in Babywearing.
Yay! I’m so glad you posted and linked up too. Way to go!
I LOVE that last shot. WOW.
Awwwwww. Such sweet photos!
I never got into the whole baby wearing thing. But you look good doing it.
I used to wear E all the time….especially when I would vacuum the house… it would put her to sleep!
So very precious. I have a hotsling I got used, but Jack was too big when I got it. Did you prefer the slings to the wraps? Did it hurt your shoulder?
Honestly…babywearing is such a great workout
At least it makes me feel like I’m working out. 
I still wear Kyle ..he is 10.5 months!! We only hear about the bad stuff that happens with slings, It is possible but it should not deter moms from using slings….they are a lifesaver!
I always wore one of the twins, too. I tried both, but it never worked well.
I adore that last picture!!
My hubby and I wore our girls all the time too when they were little. I actually miss that sometimes. I loved having them so close to me and they loved being so close us.
I love all your photos – gorgeous family!!!
I have a little nod to our babywearing in today’s post on the Cottonwood Art Festival we attended this weekend – we still wear Little Sir even at almost 1 year!
Great post and photos!
No need for fancy, just what works!! (though fancy IS fun sometimes.) : )
I love wearing my babies. I wasn’t comfortable using the slings, but that was more me worrying and probably not knowing how to use them properly. I think that is part of the problem, is people don’t follow directions. I wore both of my kids in the Bjorn and have moved on to the Ergo with my daughter. i love that thing! If she is fussy, I just throw her (not literally) on my back and can get lots of stuff done! I have a kangaroo korner fleece sling that I will probably use for hip carrying with the baby this winter. Good job on spreading the baby wearing word!
I so don’t understand this. A warning on them would suffice, right? “Follow the directions.” They do it on lawnmowers and other things, it only makes sense!
I just love that last shot!