To My Son on His 4th Birthday

From the moment you were put into my arms I knew you were something special. On this, your 4th birthday, I can hardly believe what an amazing, smart and beautiful child you are. It baffles the mind. I am so lucky because God has put us together as mother and son. There are so many sweet and wonderful things that I hear and see from you every day. Here are just a few…

I see you play and I love the way you make up characters and stories.

I hear you speak and am amazed at your large vocabulary.

I see you sleep and I love the way your body parts hang off of the bed.

I hear you laugh and I love the beautiful sound and how contagious it is.

I see you learn and am astounded at how quick you pick up on things.

I hear you cry and I only want to make it all better.

I see you with your Daddy and my heart is full as I see how much joy you bring to each other.

I hear you talk sweetly to your brother and it makes me so happy that you have each other.

I see you with your friends and I am so happy that you are forging these relationships.

I hear you say, “I love you Momma,” and my heart melts.

I see you smile and I hope that you can always be that happy.

I hear you pray and am so happy for you to know God.

I see your future and it is bright.
I love you so much my Benja – there are no words to describe the feelings I have. Only a parent knows the love they have for their child. I hope your birthday brings all you have wished for and that you can see and feel how much you are loved. Happy Birthday my sweet boy.

(yes, that IS what he calls me…)

And now, some pictures.


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