WW – To The Baby Girl Inside

There was a time when I thought you would never be. But someone else had a different plan. I’d gotten used to the idea of our family being me, Daddy and your brothers. I’d embraced the fact that this was our little family and I was happy.

Then one day everything changed. Daddy and I found out you were on the way and a few short months later we found out you were a girl. A tiny, sweet, baby girl. I won’t pretend that I wasn’t over-the-moon excited, because I was.

I am.

I am going to have to learn a new wiping technique and I’m not sure which bows will fit in your hair (let’s see how much you have first) or what to tell you to do about that first boy that you like. But we will definitely work it all out together, ok? And don’t worry, I don’t plan on getting any of those obnoxiously large bows because that’s just not who your mommy is. I’m talking, small, subtle ones, just to make sure everyone knows you are a girl.

Daddy is excited to have a daughter too. He gets a cheesy grin on his face when he talks about it and it’s really sweet. I can imagine you’ll have him wrapped around your tiny pinky finger in no time flat.

Your oldest brother is a little worried about you crying (he’s not a big fan of noise unless HE’S the one making it) but I think he’s really going to think you are “the bees knees.” He says he’s going to help me when you arrive. We shall see…

Your other big brother may be a little different story. I’m not sure he really understands that you are going to be with us soon and especially with me a lot. I promise to watch him the best I can and hope that he doesn’t poke you in the eye or squeeze you too hard or anything such as that. But I’m pretty sure that I can promise that as you grow, so will his fondness for you (well, until you’re all up in his toys then… we’ll again, I will do my best…)

As I anticipate your birth by washing the clothes I plan to dress you in and look at the letters on the wall in your room that spell your name, I can do nothing but smile and feel so very blessed to be your Mommy. There are so very many people who already love you and can’t wait to meet you and kiss your sweet baby face.

Hang in there my darling girl, it won’t be much longer until you’ll be on the outside, and this time where it’s just you and I together, will be but memories. I plan to cherish these last few weeks before you arrive and we are able look into each others eyes as Mother and daughter. I love you so much. See you soon.

WordFUL Wednesday is hosted by my pal Angie at Seven Clown Circus. Go see!

And also? Go visit my bloggy friend Em. She’s collecting comments for an awesome cause (again). She’s WAY cool like that. Head over to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit to help out!



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