There was a time when I thought you would never be. But someone else had a different plan. I’d gotten used to the idea of our family being me, Daddy and your brothers. I’d embraced the fact that this was our little family and I was happy.
Then one day everything changed. Daddy and I found out you were on the way and a few short months later we found out you were a girl. A tiny, sweet, baby girl. I won’t pretend that I wasn’t over-the-moon excited, because I was.
I am.
I am going to have to learn a new wiping technique and I’m not sure which bows will fit in your hair (let’s see how much you have first) or what to tell you to do about that first boy that you like. But we will definitely work it all out together, ok? And don’t worry, I don’t plan on getting any of those obnoxiously large bows because that’s just not who your mommy is. I’m talking, small, subtle ones, just to make sure everyone knows you are a girl.
Daddy is excited to have a daughter too. He gets a cheesy grin on his face when he talks about it and it’s really sweet. I can imagine you’ll have him wrapped around your tiny pinky finger in no time flat.
Your oldest brother is a little worried about you crying (he’s not a big fan of noise unless HE’S the one making it) but I think he’s really going to think you are “the bees knees.” He says he’s going to help me when you arrive. We shall see…
Your other big brother may be a little different story. I’m not sure he really understands that you are going to be with us soon and especially with me a lot. I promise to watch him the best I can and hope that he doesn’t poke you in the eye or squeeze you too hard or anything such as that. But I’m pretty sure that I can promise that as you grow, so will his fondness for you (well, until you’re all up in his toys then… we’ll again, I will do my best…)
As I anticipate your birth by washing the clothes I plan to dress you in and look at the letters on the wall in your room that spell your name, I can do nothing but smile and feel so very blessed to be your Mommy. There are so very many people who already love you and can’t wait to meet you and kiss your sweet baby face.
Hang in there my darling girl, it won’t be much longer until you’ll be on the outside, and this time where it’s just you and I together, will be but memories. I plan to cherish these last few weeks before you arrive and we are able look into each others eyes as Mother and daughter. I love you so much. See you soon.
WordFUL Wednesday is hosted by my pal Angie at Seven Clown Circus. Go see!
And also? Go visit my bloggy friend Em. She’s collecting comments for an awesome cause (again). She’s WAY cool like that. Head over to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit to help out!
Awwww…you are going to LOVE having a sweet girl around!
What a sweet post! And yes, you will love being a mother to a daughter!
How sweet! Soon, very soon. Happy WW!
Such a sweet love letter to the baby girl! Looks like she is all set in the wardrobe dept too
It is so, so different and you will love it! I feel so lucky to have both.
You will so enjoy this different twist to your family dynamics!
Speaking from experience you will love every second of it!!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful post to read first thing in the morning! I can’t wait for you to see what it’s like.. So different from little boys but just as sweet.
I can’t stop crying, because after so very long I too can’t believe I have a lil’ miss in my belly.
Your words are so very sweet and I can’t wait to see her in your arms.
hugs to you momma!
This made me tear up! You are an amazing Elaine…little girl is lucky to have you.
I can’t wait for her to get here!
Is that her closet? That’s a lot of clothes!
So, I wasn’t into the giant bows with my first girl, but by the time Butterfly came along I couldn’t wait to put some on her. I love them. I have indulged so many more girly impulses with her. so fun.
Oh, how sweet. I think we’re all looking forward to meeting your little girl!
Congratulatons! I have to admit, I’m a little envious. I want to pregnant again too. I have two boys a girl would be fun. I don’t know what my future holds. For now, I’ll live this part thru you
Look at all those sweet baby girl clothes!
What a wonderful post, Elaine!!
What a beautiful letter!! I cant believe your precious girl will be here in just a few weeks!!
Love the picture of all her clothes!!
love it, She will look back in those rough teenage years and know exactly how much she was wanted and loved!
Home stretch! Get some rest!
love it, She will look back in those rough teenage years and know exactly how much she was wanted and loved!
Home stretch! Get some rest!
Awww… what a sweet post E. You are going to have a ball with her. Oh the dresses you will find.
What a fantastically beautiful letter, mommy!!!
A new wiping technique! OH my! You’re right! I hadn’t thought about that yet!!!
Look at all those clothes. My daughters want another sister SOooooooo badly.
So, so SO excited that you get a girl! And you know that I know exactly how you guys feel
So moving! Great picture:-)
I thought that I wanted only boys, I prayed that that is what the triplets would be. I thought 3 boys to meet there 1 big brother would be perfect but now that I have 3 boys and 1 girl, I couldn’t be happier. I love having a daughter, for everything you said here and for the clothes.
How sweet! I bet having a little girl will be so much fun!
Such a sweet letter!
Look at all those sweet outfits!!
Little girls are the best!!!!
I only have girls, but I have to say that there is something very special about a mother daughter relationship.
Aww, little girls are so sweet! …and how lucky is she to have two big older brothers? Older brothers can be very protective of their little sisters and that is so sweet to see. It always melts my heart to see how my son dotes on his little sister.
What a great post! Congrats on your little blessing! Only a month to go!
I am so happy for you and i just know that she will fall right into place with her protective brothers and daddy and her loving mommy!
What a lovely post! And how exciting – a girl after two boys. Congratulations! I have two boys (26 months, 8 months) and although we’re pretty sure we won’t be having any more, a small part of me thinks maybe…
Thanks for the tears… I needed them. I’m so very excited for you!
Baby girls are the sweetest—and the clothes in the closet—what can I say? Oh my! So exciting. I’m thrilled for you. The countdown is on. Woot Woot!
Awww! Pure sweetness! This is one well-loved little lady!
Oh my goodness, that is about the sweetest letter ever. I love the picture too. I cannot wait for baby girl to arrive and to be introduced to the bloggy world.
I’m so happy for you! I just love being a mom to a girl. It really is a lot of fun. Just for instance, today we had the “who’s the cutest Jonas Brother” conversation. Of course, I was a little worried when she said that hers was Kevin. I mean there really is only one right answer (Joe).
What a beautiful letter. Definitely one to treasure. There is nothing like having a little girl and I know you are going to love it! I can’t wait to meet her through pictures.
Sweet Momma! I’m so glad you’re having a little girl. LOVE the closet pic – every girl needs her leopard print!
Sweet Momma! I’m so glad you’re having a little girl. LOVE the closet pic – every girl needs her leopard print!
I hope you print that out and save it for her when she is older. She will treasure such a lovely sentiment!