I was alone for a couple of hours today and what did I do…?
Tim took the boys and a friend to see Madagascar 3 and K was napping at the same time so I had a little time to myself. Time to start one load of laundry and check people’s FB posts and start working on a blog post for later in the week – all with HGTV in the background.
I walked around the house, picking up all the things that a family of two adults and three kids leave randomly sitting around like pieces of jewelry and various toys (o.m.gee the Legos) and dental floss (not used yet, thank goodness) and socks and finger nail clippers and empty snack bowls, etc, etc.
You know the drill.
I also thought about our weekend together and how we drove to Baton Rouge yesterday as a family, just to go and get out for a bit. We do this occasionally because they have a better mall there and we go a little stir crazy sometimes in this small-ish town. We just do.
While there, Tim surprised me by buying the earrings that match the butterfly necklace I wear a lot. He gave it to me a few years ago for Mother’s Day. He got them for me “just because”. No reason other than he knew I would like them and because he loves me.
Turns out B is too tall now for the the germ-y play area but the little kids still played and I rode the carousel with the kids after that. We shopped a little too and we ate out at a restaurant we do not have here. We filled out bellies and also our hearts with time together, something we do not get enough of during the week. And I mean ALL of us, together.
My husband works so hard these days that sometimes I feel like “TGIF” means more to me now than it ever has before.
We also went to breakfast together Saturday morning after some cinnamon rolls accidentally got burned. Next thing we knew, we were all quickly getting dressed at the promise of eggs and bacon cooked by someone else and doughy beignets with too much powdered sugar. And hot coffee made perfect with those tiny cups of half and half.
But all that really mattered was that I was with the people I love, the ones that mean the world to me.
And that my heart was full.
It was a good weekend.
It’s Miss Elaine-ous Monday! C’mon and link up – it’s so easy!
ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new!
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?
I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up! And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

Yay for awesome all-together weekends. May you have many more.
It sounds like a great weekend. I love weekends like that.
That sounds like a fantastic weekend! I love when we are able to have days and weekends like that too, though I wish we had more of them!
David and the kids spent a lot of time in the hunting club this weekend. I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch watching Ghost Whisperer. I felt like I didn’t see them enough. Especially after being gone for the week.
Sounds like fun!
I had a great weekend like that too! I am a first timer at your link-up. I must be tired because I put my name instead of the name of my blog on there! HAHA! Excited to be a part of Misselaine-ous Mondays! -Annie @ Luv U to the Moon and Back
I hear ya about small towns.
And I love how special weekends seem too!
That does sound like fun! Thanks for hosting the link up!
awe, we kinda had similar weekends, but still different. I love filling my heart with my favorite people.
That sounds just perfect, so glad you had a wonderful weekend with your lovies!
I love this post… I love the lesson behind it. Just love those you love.
I did random today so I thought I’d link up.
Those are just the BEST weekends and moments. Love that you had that togetherness!
Glad you had a good weekend. Your little girl is so cute! Thank you for allowing me to link up!
– Lindsey @ http://www.Roadto31.blogspot.com
Sounds like your weekend ended up being prefect. Love that picture of your daughter- she look so happy
It’s always good to just enjoy the time we have with the ones we love. Glad you got to do that this weekend.