Do ever get that kind of “naggy” feeling?  Like you have all these “little” things swirling around in your head and you’re not just quite sure where to start?  This happens to me sometimes.  This is part of the reason I have a few “to-do” lists on my desk.  And a paper calendar, along with appointments, deadlines, etc. in my phone.  This last week has been pretty busy around here, lots of things on the to-do lists but also lots of things still to do, of course.  (Like that pair of shoes I ordered online that STILL need to send back.  I know, so sad but they did not work out).

Anyway, I’ve been busy(er).  And here are some things I have been working on or have completed (from my goals and long to-do list…)


I have a piece on Mamalode this week!  I’m so thrilled to be featured there!  I would love for you to read Feeding the Soul and even maybe leave a comment…  I would be so grateful!  I really like it over there.  Everyone is so nice! 🙂


Also, I am working on K’s birthday party…  Let’s just keep this between us but I’m  kinda over the big birthday party planning.  However.  K is about to turn FIVE (I know, completely crazy) and she’s all about horses.  So, we are going to incorporate horses.  In a major way.  And perhaps with a cake quite similar to this (no, I will not be making it, are you crazy?)

(found on Pinterest)


I KNOW!  So cute, right?

Anyway the party is in a couple of weeks but the kid turns 5 in less days than that and although I’m trying hard not to freak out, well, I’m kinda freaking out.  I mean she’s my BABY.


Moving on before I cry…

I joined in with Jennifer’s  #MommaCanCook series.  It’s something my Mom used to make a lot when I was a kid.  It’s so good!  I suppose you could call it comfort food.  Pretty much anything that incorporates “cream of mushroom” is comfort food, right?


I am still giving away some Russbe reusable sandwich and snack bags.  Enter to win – these are tres (that’s French for very) useful and cute to boot! 🙂


My Other Ex – Some of my amazing friends are featured in this new anthology that just came out this week.  I already have a copy in my hot little hands.  This book explores the loss of female friendships, something that we do not talk about enough.  I’ve been there and it was hard to accept for a while.  Still is if I really think about it.  Us chicks are so complicated, right?  And sometimes our relationships  with each other can be as well.  I love how these essays explore so many different aspects of losing a woman friend.   Get a copy because I’m sure you’ll be able to relate in some way…




Lastly, THIS.  Yes, sometimes I do take a break from staring at completing my To Do’s to play with my dog and make him do silly things.  Thankfully, my oldest child is willing to assist in this endeavor… 😀




p.s. Old School Blogging is up for the month and since Fall starts this weekend it’s the perfect time to link-up (HINT: it’s all about Fall!)


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