Do ever get that kind of “naggy” feeling? Like you have all these “little” things swirling around in your head and you’re not just quite sure where to start? This happens to me sometimes. This is part of the reason I have a few “to-do” lists on my desk. And a paper calendar, along with appointments, deadlines, etc. in my phone. This last week has been pretty busy around here, lots of things on the to-do lists but also lots of things still to do, of course. (Like that pair of shoes I ordered online that STILL need to send back. I know, so sad but they did not work out).
Anyway, I’ve been busy(er). And here are some things I have been working on or have completed (from my goals and long to-do list…)
I have a piece on Mamalode this week! I’m so thrilled to be featured there! I would love for you to read Feeding the Soul and even maybe leave a comment… I would be so grateful! I really like it over there. Everyone is so nice!
Also, I am working on K’s birthday party… Let’s just keep this between us but I’m kinda over the big birthday party planning. However. K is about to turn FIVE (I know, completely crazy) and she’s all about horses. So, we are going to incorporate horses. In a major way. And perhaps with a cake quite similar to this (no, I will not be making it, are you crazy?)
I KNOW! So cute, right?
Anyway the party is in a couple of weeks but the kid turns 5 in less days than that and although I’m trying hard not to freak out, well, I’m kinda freaking out. I mean she’s my BABY.
Moving on before I cry…
I joined in with Jennifer’s #MommaCanCook series. It’s something my Mom used to make a lot when I was a kid. It’s so good! I suppose you could call it comfort food. Pretty much anything that incorporates “cream of mushroom” is comfort food, right?
I am still giving away some Russbe reusable sandwich and snack bags. Enter to win – these are tres (that’s French for very) useful and cute to boot!
My Other Ex – Some of my amazing friends are featured in this new anthology that just came out this week. I already have a copy in my hot little hands. This book explores the loss of female friendships, something that we do not talk about enough. I’ve been there and it was hard to accept for a while. Still is if I really think about it. Us chicks are so complicated, right? And sometimes our relationships with each other can be as well. I love how these essays explore so many different aspects of losing a woman friend. Get a copy because I’m sure you’ll be able to relate in some way…
Lastly, THIS. Yes, sometimes I do take a break from staring at completing my To Do’s to play with my dog and make him do silly things. Thankfully, my oldest child is willing to assist in this endeavor…
p.s. Old School Blogging is up for the month and since Fall starts this weekend it’s the perfect time to link-up (HINT: it’s all about Fall!)
That photo of Ollie is too much!! Love.
And I SO get it about your baby growing up. It’s bittersweet.
You could totally replicate that cake!
Tonya recently posted…Best Dave Matthews Band Lyrics
I will leave this one to the professionals. K’s little friend’s Mom makes cakes and I’ve already asked her to do it.
That cake is amazing! (Obviously not something I would ever do. Ha) How’s little Oliver doing, besides being ridiculously cute? I remember you said somewhere that he sleeps with you guys…does that mean he’s totally house trained already?! Because if so….maybe I can’t talk to you anymore. Or need to talk to you a lot for your tips.

Greta @gfunkified recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Tall
Oh yeah, and I meant to say…your BABY will be FIVE!!!!!! OMG
Greta @gfunkified recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Tall
Yes, he sleeps with us or the boys. He only got up to pee in the night the first couple of weeks we had him. His breeders did a REALLY good job at pre-training him! Don’t hate me. ;-0
OH come on. You can totally make that cake. And then post the results.

Leigh Ann recently posted…rare bird: a memoir of loss and love
I can’t believe she will be 5, when I first started reading she was just one, where did that time go?! I love Ollie, seriously that picture is adorable.
Julia recently posted…How to Take a Disney Vacation without Planning
OMG Ollie driving!!! Love it so much.
Thank you for the My Other Ex shoutout!
Alison recently posted…Firsts
Yes. I am a list maker. I have to make my lists or I go crazy. And lately it is the only way I can get anything done. I feel like I have so many little things that have to be done that there is no way I will remember to be where I need to be or make or bring or blah, blah, blah… if I don’t make a list. Also, the lists allow me to get to sleep at night. Otherwise I just sit there awake in my bed telling myself, “don’t forget to give Molly her heartworm pill tomorrow. And Ben has to bring a snack. And sign Joey’s permission slip. And Tommy and Joe have practice tomorrow and Ben has a game.” ACK! It is never ending.
You have the cutest dog ever. I have love Cavaliers forever and this past year I’ve really been watching rescue sites just in case one becomes available in our area. I LOVE them. But I don’t know if we could ever get another dog with Molly because she would probably commit suicide if we loved another animal. She is the neediest dog ever. But we love her.
Off to check out your other post!
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