My mother bought a beatifully constructed piano, circa 1890, while they lived in California (where I was born) so that she could learn how to play. She took lessons while I grew inside her belly. Perhaps that is why I love music so much? Maybe, maybe not. Either way it’s a nice thought.
I also took lessons for six years and all my scales and etudes and reditions of great works from the likes of Mozart, Bartok and Schuman rang out on the same keys my mother played upon. My piano teacher recommended a gentleman to come tune the piano and every time he visited he offered to buy it from my mother and every time she refused to sell.
I am so glad she did, as it has pretty much become a part of the family. All the grandkids like to bang play on it and I still like to hammer out a few Christmas carols at the holidays and the occasional hymn on it when I am at their house. It is a somewhat ornate antique upright that resides in their game room and to this day I love to move my eyes around the architecture of its design.
Who knows when it was last tuned (I doubt my mother even recalls) and it’s missing a few keys and some of the innerworkings and strings have major issues. However, it still works fairly well and has real ebony and ivory keys, which is basically unheard of these days.
I am not sure why I felt the need to post about the piano. Maybe it’s because I am still thinking of Zeke a lot and just wanted to remember something that cannot die that has always been in my family and is also black and white. Or perhaps it’s because music is a huge part of my life and I long to play again even though there is not a piano in my home now.
Somedays I would really just like to be able to sit down and play again. I know I am pretty rusty but if I could practice up I am sure I could make it sound somewhat like music again. Little G seems to share my love of music and I think it would be wonderful for both of us if I could be the one providing it. We’ll see, maybe someday soon.
I happened to find several pictures of the grandkids at the piano (The B Man is the little blond headed boy in these) and even one of myself, playing and singing carols with my nieces several Christmases ago.
For years now my main instrument has been my voice and that will continue but yes, it would be nice to be able to tickle the ivories again.
So tell me, what instrument did you or do you play? Do you miss it? Obviously I do.
I love the piano too and always wanted to have one in our home. My mom taught and was always playing hymns. We would often stand around and sing as kids and I loved that time.
I played for a few years but could never really read the notes and ended up playing by ear. I eventually gave up and decided I would stick with art.
However when I saw this 1920’s upright at a thrift store in almost perfect condition I snapped it up. After a minor tuning it sounds amazing.
The kids bang on it and I plunk out a few songs but someday I hope to get lessons for them and relearn it as well. I love the sound of a piano!
I love the piano too and always wanted to have one in our home. My mom taught and was always playing hymns. We would often stand around and sing as kids and I loved that time.
I played for a few years but could never really read the notes and ended up playing by ear. I eventually gave up and decided I would stick with art.
However when I saw this 1920’s upright at a thrift store in almost perfect condition I snapped it up. After a minor tuning it sounds amazing.
The kids bang on it and I plunk out a few songs but someday I hope to get lessons for them and relearn it as well. I love the sound of a piano!
I’m a singer too. But I’ve always wanted to learn piano. It is just such a romantic instrument, in my opinion.
Just recently my hubby and I have been looking for a used piano in the paper. I hope we find one.
What is it about kids and piano’s both of my kids are totally draw to them!
My main instrument is my voice as well, but I really miss playing the piano. My parents gave me theirs, but it is still sitting in their basement and I’m not sure what kind of condition it’s in. It’s a beautiful 1920’s upright. My in-laws said I could have theirs when they moved, but it is currently in their new living room. I also play very amateurish guitar. Since I have one of those available, maybe I should just practice that instrument more.
Like you, I really miss tickling the ivories…
THAT’S YOU? WOWSA, hot mama alert, hot mama alert!
I don’t play anything. My musical ability is pathetic or non-existent, actaully I think I have negativve music ability. Is that possible?
I did play the piano as a kid, not well mind you and I can’t remember a thing now. And I played the clarinet in elementary school band. Now that was BAD.
I took piano lessons for a few years as a girl, followed by a year of guitar. I was never that good at either, but I enjoy it. My sister is a master pianist, with a music theory degree.
Well thanks for visiting!
Looks like our boys will be about the same age difference, since Little Man will have just turned three when Tiny Man is born.
Thanks for voting for me! If you won’t have left me that comment I wouldn’t have remembered to check! So thanks
I did piano when I was growing up.. my parents bought me a piano and I took it with me when I got married.. ONLY when we movied to our house it was too tiny to have such a big piano.. So I sold it.. IT LOOKED EXACTLY like the one in the pictures you posted.. Only it was missing the white part of different keys.
but it was still missing about 2 or 3 of them just like that one you posted..
I replaced it with a small organ but by the time baby #4 came along I no longer had room for that either so I gave it to my parents.. So I haven’t really played anything in three years.
Well, we have a piano at our house that you can come over and play anytime! Kirstyn loves to sit at it and “create” music. My mom plays piano and organ really well but I never learned. David plays guitar so it looks like Kirstyn is going to get the musical talent from both sides! Yeah!
Lovely post, Elaine! I too took piano when I was young – for about 7 years. I inherited the family piano and it now sits in our family room – where the kids are constantly banging on those keys. My twins took piano for about 3 years each.
Have a good evening – Kellan
Oh to be musically inclined……
But alas, I am not.
But your post was beautiful, and I hope you get some time real soon to sit down and enjoy a first love again.
Great post!
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We had a piano, too – a baby grand Steinway. It’s gorgeous.
I, unfortunately, had no patience for it and despite my mom’s best efforts to get me to take piano lessons, I LOATHED it. I always appreciated hearing people play it, I just knew I was never going to be one of those people. It’s too bad as I’d love to be able to play it, now, of course . . . exactly like my parents told me. They used to say that all the time, “You keep playing – you’ll be SO glad you can do it later.” And I would say, “Naa” and they were right!
There’s something just so special about a piano isn’t there? I play piano too and guitar. I really miss playing guitar – I still have one but rarely pick it up anymore – one of these days!
I have a piano. It is my favorite piece of furniture in my whole house. I will never get rid if it. I love it!
I can play a few songs, but I have never had lessons. I want to get my kids back into lessons. Kela, my oldest, took lessons when she was 6. She is 12 now.
But even if no one ever learns to really play it, I will never get rid of my piano!! ♥
Gorgeous piano!
I so miss having a piano, I love to play and I really want my kids to know too.
Time to start saving for one I guess.
I cannot sing, minus singing alone in the shower and the car. My first and fav instument is the piano. However I also can play the clarinet and trumpet. I took some lessons on the violin, but developed tendinitis before I was very good. I miss them all! I still have them all, but haven’t had much time to play with being in grad school! Now that I am done, I’m hoping to get playing again!
What a gift – your voice as your instrument. I would love to have a beautiful voice to share with an audience.
I hope that the opportunity presents itself for you to be able to play the piano again and share this passion of yours with your boys. Imagine the fun the three of you would have tinkering and singing at the piano.
This is really sweet. My mom still has the piano that she used as a child. It is really a refreshing situation when you think of the disposible instruments like keyboards, etc. that are what we have in our house today.
I would love to have a piano here–they are just lovely in a room–yours is so cute
(The kids are too!)
I love those shots of the kids (and you!) at the piano. It is such a wonderful instrument isn’t it?
I actually took piano for over 10 years, and taught it to young children (and a couple of adults beginners) when I was in high school and university. But I am so rusty now…have no excuse actually, because I inherited the piano from my parents, because I was the only kid who practiced without having to be yelled at!!!
I would love my kids to take lessons (I cannot teach them; would bite their heads off, I’m sure). The boy, not too interested, but I think the girlie (my Little G!) will like it, perhaps come September.
Great post!
Elaine, Check the Sat. paper in the home or living (can’t remember which section) there’s a “come and get it” section and people sometimes give pianos away if you just “come and get it”. (hence the name, pretty catchy, huh?) Anyway, it’s worth checking out for a free piano.
Hi there- found you thru verybusymomof4. I played the piano for years, but I am so out of practice. Every time I try to sit down and play, my boys come running and well that’s bound to give me a relapse into control freak perfectionism. But one day…..
I wish I could play the piano. I really hope my kids will take it up!
My main instrument is my voice which I use everyday at some point! I played the clarinet from 6th grade all the way to college and I terribly miss it!! Hopefully my stepdaughter will decide to play it so I can teach her.
I love the piano. I can play only because I can read music. But I am not the greatest. I can’t wait till my Mom passes down the piano I had growing up. My Dad played it most so it will be a great memory!!!
I know my wife posted already, but I wanted to add something…
Our piano has been in our family a while too. While it is not nearly as old, but it is fairly old. My grandmother gave it to Kirstyn before she died in ’04.
I truly do not know where I got my music bug from, but I love singing, love guitar, love piano. While I do not play piano at all (I can do chords though), and only play guitar a little, I enjoy it a lot. Kirstyn already has a little guitar that she loves to wear around and strum…and banging…er…playing on the piano is her love as well.
Sadly, I don’t play any instruments “for real”. However, I DO know how to play “Brown Eyed Girl” on the guitar!! Does that count?
Thanks for playing POW! You picked a great post.
It was always my dream to play the piano. Still unrealized, I hope to be able to have lessons for my children.