Categories: Baby KMilestones

Three And Half Months

She’s smiling like crazy.

She needs the paci to settle down at night.

She’s sorta getting a schedule. (especially in the mornings).

She’s outgrowing clothes.

She’s babbling and cooing a lot.

She’s sleeping through the night. (God bless her!)

She enjoys her play mat on the floor.

She’s not as fond of the bumbo chair.

She’s chewing on things (no way is she teething already, right???)

She’s getting longer hair.

She’s watching her brothers play.

She’s stealing our hearts.

All of them.

(typical morning around here, brother watching ‘Word World’ in the background, my laptop open with a blog on the screen, toys everywhere…)

PhotoStory FridayPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily



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