So yeah, school ends for all of my children by Friday. How excited are we? WHEE!!
I know they could use a break from the routine but I am not so sure I can survive it.
Here it what is going through my head right now as the end is near…
Oh yay! I can sleep in and I don’t have to get up to the sound of my phone alarm and pack lunches and rush to make breakfast every morning. Oh they still have to eat though, don’t they? And now I have to feed them EVERY meal. Crap.
Wahoo! We are free as birds to do as we please! We can flit about and be relaxed and hang out in our jammies. But wait, this is more time for them to bicker and sit on each other and make swords out of anything in the house and there’s even more time for whining and crying. Crap.
EEK! So excited to go to the pool as much as we want! I can lay out on the chair now since my kids are pretty good in the water and get a nice tan and just relax. Oh no, you want me to play in the water with you? And search for that pool toy? And you’re going to holler while I spray you with sunscreen AGAIN? Oh my gosh, more laundry for me, so many wet towels and suits. Crap.
Oh goodie we can really get our money’s worth out of the zoo membership I bought this year! Animals! Playground! Train, oh my! But wait, I have a ten year-old who thinks he’s too old for that outing and oh yeah, the humidity is now here to stay until October. Crap.
Ooh Ooh! We can got to the mall, it has a A/C and new a indoor playground where the kids (well 2 of them) can play! Except no way can I get any shopping done and I end up spending $20.00 on 3 little cookies and one thing of Dippin’ Dots. Crap.
Okay, I’ve got it. We’ll go to the summer kid movies at the movie theater, where yes, there is also A/C (WOOT!) and it’s nice and dark and I can just chill while the kids watch a movie. Except now I’m out $50 after all the snack purchases and I cannot bring my laptop in there. Crap.
Fine. We can go to the library (they also have A/C) where stuff is free and the computers are fun (and not mine) and we can relax in the comfy chairs and read. Until we check out a bunch of books that I cannot find 3 weeks later and forget to renew online and then, ZOMG the late fees. Crap.
Okay, okay, we can do a couple of road trips to local places and see some new things and learn about them while we are there. That will be so fun! Until someone spills their chocolate milkshake all over the floor of the van like during that one trip last summer. That was SO NOT good. Crap.
I think I may just lock them in their playhouse.
But let them out to wash the vehicles once a week or so…
Can there be VBS every week please?
Why is sleep-away camp so expensive and only for kids over the age of 6?
Texting my babysitter now…
How many days until school starts again?
HAPPY Summer!!
See y’all in August…
Unless I’m in a “Frozen” soundtrack-induced coma…
P.S. Feel free to use this as your “List of Things To Do this Summer”! 😉
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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