Those Moments (i heart faces)

Our memories as mothers can be somewhat selective at times.  We try to remember the best of times.  The smiles and laughter at the zoo as the monkeys swing and entertain.  Or the deep sigh we take while our child peacefully sleeps with his or her head on our lap, as we stroke their soft locks.

Maybe the evening they say “Momma, this is THE best dinner you’ve ever made” or the time when they read their first sentence, even if it is with trepidation.

Sometimes it’s little bitty moments that turn into really huge ones in our hearts. Sort of like the one that this  photograph represents for me. It jogs the memory of my soul, giving me pause.

I still remember this day so clearly.  The boys did not have pre-school and the weather outside was gorgeous and overcast with perfect temps.  We took to the driveway with every color of sidewalk chalk, that ended up all over Little G.

I could have gotten upset at his messiness but it would have been pointless since it just added another layer on top of the remnants of lunch, both on his face and shirt.  So instead I chose to smile and laugh and take his picture.

We drew flowers and our names, rainbows and scribbles.  My bum was sore by the time we got up from the cement.

I think we finally went in when someone had to go potty or needed a snack. It could have been me.

It was one of those moments that I’ll always remember.  It was perfect.


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