Blink, blink, blink goes the cursor.
Throb, throb, throb goes my head.
But still, I want to put something out there for you all to see and read because I thrive off of it.
I want to tell you how busy the weekend was with two photo shoots(!) and preparation for my son’s first communion next weekend, and van washing and family time and just living.
I want to share with you what joy I get from taking photographs for other people.
I want to share with you how much joy I DO NOT get from trying to finally wean K from her paci addiction. (4:45 wake up time, anyone??).
I should be doing my ankle exercises and icing it like I do every night but instead here I sit, in front of my computer monitor, Lightroom as best friend.
Oh, but I also have to tell you how awesome the meal was that my husband cooked on Saturday night. Recipe HERE. We had the leftovers for lunch today. Still so delish.
I wish he had time to cook every night (just because he’s really better at it than I am)(but don’t tell him I said that, k?)
Now I shall leave you with a photo of this little peanut. I mean really, how precious is she?
I’m loving my new “job”!!
p.s. if you have not already, please go read my post from Friday about feeding my kids and leave me some feedback. I would love to know what YOU have to say…
You know M.E.M stands for “Miss Elaine-ous Monday“, right?
C’mon and link up, my friends!
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?
I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up! And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

Sneaking in a post here …
so did you make friend rice – altho after your weekend – YOU sound fried!
I’m so not looking forward to trying to get rid of my daughter’s nuk. I feel like that will not be easy.
Alright, this whole weaning from the pacifier thing? Tell me your secret. My son still uses his and I can’t get him to let go. Though I admit that I’m not putting in a full effort (that whole pick your battles mantra is winning right now).
Busy, busy,busy but all good! Love that you love your new job, I think it’s fab!
I love your sweet words, and that you shared them perfectly here!
I’m wondering when I can drop my car off for cleaning.
The pictures look awesome! And I’m with you on early wake up. The baby is teething and was up ALL night. I’m in agony.
Great pictures.
I hate when that little cursor blinks at me, mocking my inability to find something to say.
Weaning off the pacifier is crazy. We did it cold turkey with Cady. It was three days of pure hell, and then it was fine. Good luck.
We are taking away Ben’s pacifiers this week. He turns two on Saturday (what?!) and that is our cut-off for the pacifier. We had him off it we thought and then he found a couple and renewed his love for them. Caleb is making his 1st Communion this weekend too.
My husband does not cook, unless it means throwing meat on the grill. And if you want anything to go with it you are on your own!
Sounds like an amazing weekend. xoxo Also – you wore swimsuits and we wore hats and coats. awesome.
A wonderful (although busy) weekend! Psst, don’t tell my husband he’s a better cook than I am either. Oh wait, he already knows. :p
By the way, how old is your daughter? Our two-year-old still uses her pacifier and I am NOT looking forward to the weaning…
Your pics are amazing, Elaine! It really must be the greatest feeling to be getting paid to do what you love! And I love busy weekends with the family, and I get how you just need to take a moment to get your words out. I’m glad you do!
Lightroom is my best friend too.
I saw your family shots on FB – looking good!! I’ve done a few photo shoots for other other people and it’s so hard. You really have to step out of your comfort zone, or at least I do.