Here we go with some randomness.

Of course I like the weeks when my husband is home but there is one down side. He eats my Skinny Cow ice cream cones. And, when I don’t know that they are gone and…I have worked up my taste buds to have one later after the kids go to bed and… there are none? Well, that’s not so fun. Next week I’ll have them all to myself. ; ) {love you honey! kisses…}

I’m enjoying the new show, The Mentalist quite a bit. I know it’s the same formula every time but I really like the main guy’s character and of course the networks know we love this kind of same thing over and over again. Hello, Law and Order anyone?

I got nothin’ so far in the Halloween costume department. The B Man says he wants to be one thing one day and something else the next. He has mentioned a mouse several times (he likes to pretend to be one on occasion) and I thought perhaps Little G could be the cheese. But how would I do that? Suggestions are MORE than greatly appreciated. Of course first we would need a mouse costume…

The B Man is writing many letters from the alphabet these days, and quite well I might add. I really like his pre-school teachers but I was a little suprised to find writing homework in his backpack the other day! Homework. I am SO not ready for this…

Little G walked right up to his teacher in his little class today and didn’t cry. It was the first time he didn’t cry when I left. First weaning now this, all in one week. I’m gonna crumble at his growing-up-ness.

I had fun going through my house finding stuff for a garage sale we are having this weekend for the moms club I am in here in the neighborhood. It’s so nice to get rid of some stuff and never have to see it again!

The two “E”s are hurting my head right now: Election and Economy. That’s all I will say about that.

Getting excited to see Christina again and meet Jaimee on Monday at a little blogger meet-up we’ve organized {secretly hoping they remember to bring their awesome cameras!}. Natalie hopes to stop by too…

Our calendar for the month of October is PACKED. If I become somewhat of a blogger slacker this month, that is why. Oh and part of the crazy schedule is my girls trip to Napa California in three weeks (I am not counting down or anything…) Yep, 4 days in wine country with my gal-pals. It’s gonna be good! : )



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