Feeling kinda random today…
I finally figured out which one is Burt and which one is Ernie (yes at age 34). Wanna know how? While watching Sesame Street the other day they had the characters’ first initials on their beds and I realized that Ernie is the one on the potty seat we have. Sesame Street and potty seats. This is my life.
I would be SO cool with it if they would start making movies like “The Proposal” in 3D. I mean c’mon how awesome would it be to have Ryan Reynolds SO CLOSE??? Uh huh.
I didn’t think it was going to be cold down here in Louisiana but guess what?! It’s been COLD down here in Louisiana, at least by my standards. And this week it’s going to be even colder. Maybe it’s because I told one of my friends I didn’t think we’d even need coats here and of course now I can’t find mine since the move. Guess it’s time to go buy a new coat! (yay!)
I think someone needs to invent “postpartum” jeans. Or, as I said on twitter the other day, instead of skinny jeans we need “kinda tubby” jeans. I’m still wearing some of my maternity jeans because well, the weight is NOT coming off as easily this time (read: damn holiday food!!!) but really they are too big. But I can’t wear my pre-preggo jeans either. I need something in between. And STAT.
The Oxy Magic stain remover stuff has been my best friend lately. (I don’t get out much.) Baby K has had at least one blowout a day lately and it’s saving her clothes. And my sanity.
I think I’ve seen Wall-E (or at least parts of it) EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR times.
My husband thinks it’s funny to play the “Party in the USA” song by Miley Cyrus because he knows I CANNOT STAND HER but then the song gets stuck in my head and I want to hurt him. Guess what came on the workout playmix he created for me while I was on the treadmill at the health club the other day?? Yep.
What is UP with a kid who WON’T eat in the school cafeteria? I’ve begged him to do just one day a week and he won’t. I know the lunch I make is MUCH healthier but still, a Momma needs a break every now and again. Guess he likes peanut butter better than chicken nuggets and corn dogs. Sweet crazy kid.
Oh Elaine… lol I feel ya on everything you’re saying!! I might buy stock in stain remover products– and i am not sure I’ve tried the Oxy Magic stuff! Might have to do that!
HAPPY New Year!! Sorry, I’ve been taking a computer break….hope you are yours are doing FABULOUS!! I HIGHLY recommend the Goodwill on Ambassador Caf, by the Super One….I just got an Abercrombie (sp?) coat WITH THE TAGS still on for $4!! And there are TONS of jeans, mostly name-brand! I think if you get them there they will feel less “permanant”, ya know! Anywho…hope everyone got back to school and you are enjoying your PEACE!! I am trying!!
Trinity was exactly like that about the cafeteria lunch. She refused until a couple of weeks ago she came home and said, “I have something important to tell you…dramatic pause…I am ready to buy my lunch now.” It cracked me up and she has been a patron of the cafeteria since (not everyday but more days than I like because of her lazy mom, lol). Hope he changes his mind soon!
Happy New Year!
I wore my maternity jeans for the longest time until they were really too big….then I had to suck it up and just buy some regular pants a few sizes larger than I’d normally wear. That and sweatpants. THANK GOODNESS for sweats!!!

p.s. I loathe Miley Cyrus. EWWW!
Your husband is awesome.
And why was Wall-E on so much? It’s not even a Christmas movie?
Holiday food has me almost fitting into maternity pants….but I didn’t have a baby so I’m feeling your pain kinda.
Hope your weeks gets a little calmer! Stay away from Miley!
Have fun coat shopping! I bet you can get some great deals right now. You need a Bella Band! I got one so that I can continue to wear my regular jeans as long as possible and then resume wearing them post-delivery as soon as possible. Google it!
My hubby does the same kinda stuff to annoy me too. What is with men!?!
Oh that song is infuriating! Same with Taylor Swift’s Picture to Burn. You can bet I’ll be belting both out if I hear them. It’s cruel and unusual punishment to those around me.
and the jeans, yes, I agree. I bought some bigger normal ones after but then because they fit (kind of) I lost my motivation to, you know, get back to my normal size for two years. The best thing to do is work it, girl!
I couldn’t agree more with you about the postpartum jeans. I do not look forward to shedding all this weight I’ve put on.
My kids had cold lunch all the time until they finally begged me to let them have hot lunch once in a while! Maybe that will happen for you!
My kids are always begging for home lunch. Since I am happy when I can actually get them out the door with some kind of breakfast in their tummies, handing them over a lunch too is not really in the picture for me. I am a LAME mommy!
And. Tell me more about this spot remover. Will it REALLY help me with my crazy mess maker’s amazing messes??
Oh yes I agree about the postpartum jeans!! I finally did go out and buy 2 pairs of “bigger” jeans because I am so sick of the maternity jeans. If you are looking for some that are cheapish but still slimming, I found some Lee jeans that are supposed to “slim” and I really like they way they fit.
It is SO cold here! What’s up with this cold front?! We have a winter weather advisory until Sunday…woah!
Totally get it about the p/p clothes thing. When will someone create that in between line of clothes for us mommas?
Oh lets not even talk about jeans – at 5’3″ my options are horribly limited…I just went jean shopping the other day…it is tramatic!!
I haven’t seen Wall-E yet, but here Cars is an almost daily occurrance!! I think I could probably recite the whole movie at this point!!
I hear you on the post-partum jeans! I hate wearing maternity jeans when I am not pregnant!
By the way, your world is Sesame Street and Wall-E… mine is Toy Story and Cars! :o)
I have seen Toy Story (one and two) eleventy billion times.
Zoe refuses to eat in the cafeteria because they have recess after lunch and standing in line with a tray waiting for food cuts into her play time.
I still can’t fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans and Troy is two.
I bought new pants.
(That is not to depress you, I’m just being honest.)
Random is good. Although I’m totally laughing at you about the Bert and Ernie thing. I mean, really?! haha Burt has the unibrow.
And I totally understand on the whole eating the school lunch. My daughter would pack every day if I let her, but I try (especially now when it’s soooo cold) to get her to eat the warm lunch at school at least a couple of the days.
ha, good for Ben but poor mommy! Kirstyn wanted to eat in the lunch room all of the time the first semester and i would only let her do so once or twice per week. Now today when james is home with another ear infection and i just plain didn’t want to fix her lunch she tells me, no momma, i want home food because that school food makes my tummy feel yucky the rest of the day. i don’t think it is very healthy for me! i was so proud of her and annoyed at her inconvenient timing of this realization. ugh!
oh and Miley/Hannah bug me too! i keep getting that song “Start All Over” stuck in my head! why oh why!