Here we go with some randomness.
Of course I like the weeks when my husband is home but there is one down side. He eats my Skinny Cow ice cream cones. And, when I don’t know that they are gone and…I have worked up my taste buds to have one later after the kids go to bed and… there are none? Well, that’s not so fun. Next week I’ll have them all to myself. ; ) {love you honey! kisses…}
I’m enjoying the new show, The Mentalist quite a bit. I know it’s the same formula every time but I really like the main guy’s character and of course the networks know we love this kind of same thing over and over again. Hello, Law and Order anyone?
I got nothin’ so far in the Halloween costume department. The B Man says he wants to be one thing one day and something else the next. He has mentioned a mouse several times (he likes to pretend to be one on occasion) and I thought perhaps Little G could be the cheese. But how would I do that? Suggestions are MORE than greatly appreciated. Of course first we would need a mouse costume…
The B Man is writing many letters from the alphabet these days, and quite well I might add. I really like his pre-school teachers but I was a little suprised to find writing homework in his backpack the other day! Homework. I am SO not ready for this…
Little G walked right up to his teacher in his little class today and didn’t cry. It was the first time he didn’t cry when I left. First weaning now this, all in one week. I’m gonna crumble at his growing-up-ness.
I had fun going through my house finding stuff for a garage sale we are having this weekend for the moms club I am in here in the neighborhood. It’s so nice to get rid of some stuff and never have to see it again!
The two “E”s are hurting my head right now: Election and Economy. That’s all I will say about that.
Getting excited to see Christina again and meet Jaimee on Monday at a little blogger meet-up we’ve organized {secretly hoping they remember to bring their awesome cameras!}. Natalie hopes to stop by too…
Our calendar for the month of October is PACKED. If I become somewhat of a blogger slacker this month, that is why. Oh and part of the crazy schedule is my girls trip to Napa California in three weeks (I am not counting down or anything…) Yep, 4 days in wine country with my gal-pals. It’s gonna be good! : )
4 days in Napa?? One word-jealous!!
How fun and great for you!!!
Sorry to hear about the little grown-up you now have. It is so hard when they decide to grow up so fast.
Happy weekend friend.
Mmm skinny cow ice cream….
a blogger meet-up! FUN!
I am envious of this whole post!
Me, too… jealous, jealous, jealous!
When you get those kiddos all dressed up for Halloween, I know you’ll take some pictures, so…. how about join my next carnival: The Costume Parade! I had so much fun checking out the dirty babies that now I thought it’d be great to see them all dressed-up!
Hope you’ll join in!
Sorry I haven’t been around much… life’s been hectic. I hope to stop in a little more often now that things are slowing down (just in time for them to get all riled back up again for the holidays!)
Anyway, have a great weekend and enjoy your ice cream cones next week!
My husband likes the Mentalist too–you should check out Darren Brown. I think the show is based on him (he’s not a cop though).
Have a great weekend!
Yay for Napa – I LOVE it there
I haven’t been w/my husband but I am kind of hoping he surprises me with a trip there soon! My 30th bday is coming up, after all.
Great post!
A vacation in Napa with your gal pals? Lucky you! Sounds amazing.
Mouse and cheese – cutest idea ever.
4 days in Napa! Very, very cool! I need a getaway like that!
You have to let them be a mouse and cheese. That would seriously be the cutest thing ever! Before Baby came along, my other two were Lilo and Stitch and a puppy and kitty.
hi! i just stumbled on your blog, and i love it! super cute!
be sure to check out today’s Free Giveaway Friday at The Pink Potpourri! Its a great prize, so hurry over and sign up to win!
Sounds like a fab trip – how fun will that be???? Wow!!!
My hubby eats the Skinny Cow stuff too – I keep telling him to grab the higher fat stuff and leave the SK for me . . . he’s not getting it yet . . . thinks he’s missing out on something???
The two E’s are hurting my head too, yeesh.
We are in the costume dilemma too – my almost 3 year old changes his mind every day but we have narrowed it down to Scooby Doo, Batman, or Spiderman. The 4 year old is going to be Indiana Jones – even though I’m certain he has no idea who he is.
Loving The Mentalist too!
Check Ebay for costumes. They have a little of everything.
So jealous about your Napa trip. We went there on our honeymoon and desperately need to get back. Notice I said need and not want!!!
Hi, I’m Debbie. I found your blog today- too cute! Your husband eating your skinny ice cream cones is too funny! Stop by my blog, I love making new friends and celebrating family and food!
My husband is afraid of “diet” anything. He asks me to by the real version of what ever diet food I buy. Skinny Cow +Fudgsicles = confused cashier.
WHAT??? A 4-day, Girl’s Trip to Napa??? Ok, I am officially JEALOUS!!
The two E’s are giving me a headache too!!!
Can’t wait to meet you monday!
Oh, have fun on your girls trip to Napa! I leave on mine (to Palm Springs) TOMORROW! Can you tell I’m a little bit excited?
LUCKY!!!! And thanks so much for the tip to tip junkie. I sent it in and hope they don’t flip when they see the mouse. Ebay is definitely the way to go for costumes!
Yup. Those two Es are hurting my head too.
Is that skinny cow ice cream any good?
I am excited for Monday, too!!!
And, Napa? Add me to the list of jealous readers.
I still have no idea for Halloween costume, either.
Four days with friends anywhere sounds divine! Add in the wine and you’ve got a real winner! Sounds like so much fun.
I totally hate it when my husband comes home on the weekend and eats all my stuff leaving me on Monday with nothing “safe” to snack on. I’ve resorted to hiding things. It’s terrible, I know, but I hide things from my kids, so why not the hubby too!
Your randomness….. makes me think of all the things I should be doing. Thanks for the reminders!
Homework already?!
Mmmm, skinny cow!
I wish I had some ideas for costumes but I am a little challenged when it comes to building such things.
Last year I wanted to go as a m&m box and couldn’t even figure that out. Then I decided to be a bug and everyone thought I was a fairy. I am no help. And with you alone next week. Bring on the sleepovers!
Napa?? How lovely. Completely jealous.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who celebrates the kids going to bed by treating myself to yummy things.
Have fun in Napa! Jealous
Napa? Is totally hawt.
Sumo is going as a doctor for Halloween. I ordered him some scrubs that have his name embroidered on them and he has a stethescope. I figured there was no way I was going to get him to wear anything on his head or face, so the mini professional was the way to go.
And PS – I LOVE Law and ORder!
Oh the E’s are hurting my head too!!!
I can’t wait until Monday…
Oh and I so wish I was getting a vacation with the gals. That will be so much fun! and a fabulous location too… wow!
How did I miss this post!!!
Love me the randomness of it and the Napa trip, why was I not invited?
Can’t wait to see pictures! It’s going to be awesome.