I’m a little nervous about Gavin starting school next week. And by the way, a little means a lot.
I do not feel like he is as prepared as he should be.
In so many ways.
But I am trying to have faith that he is more prepared than I think.
The other night we sat on his bed and went through one of those Little People books that has the farm and grocery store and the airport and looked at all the words. He wanted to do it and knew most things of course, by sight. But I feel like he’s entering Kindergarten with no idea how to read.
And I’m not sure why this makes me nervous because, Um, Hello, Ben did not know how to read either when he went to Kindergarten but I felt like he could at least recognize some sight words and that he REALLY knew his ABC’s and it just doesn’t seem the same for G.
And I know every kid is different…
You know how us Mothers are always saying that thing about the fact that we take less pictures of each child? And then we go on about the “poor third” or fourth or fifth child and even put the word “syndrome” at the end to be tongue-in-cheek? Well, yeah, I feel like G got “second child syndrome” in the being read-to department.
We used to read SO many books to Ben, like every night two or three. And we did the same for G for a while but he never liked to sit for them as well as Ben did. So maybe it also has a bit to do with his personality.
And then I worry because I have friends who say they’ve heard that kids entering school should know words already and on and on and I have to disagree.
My Ben is in the gifted classes here and he did not start reading WELL until the middle of first grade.
So why am I so nervous?
Well there’s also the fact that I’m not sure the all day, every day schedule is going to sit so well with him.
Kindergarten-ers here go 8-3 and man, that’s a LONG day.
Oh and then there is the fact that he just seems too small. How can my second baby already be ready for THIS?!?! The BIG K?
I’m about to cry just typing it out.
I can already see him walking away from me with that big, blue backpack strapped on his little boy self, his cute blond head bobbing as he goes, and him taking yet another little section of my mommy heart off to that classroom with him.
Maybe I’m “nervous” because a part of me just doesn’t want him to go. Or perhaps because I know I have to let go. Whichever the case, he is “going” and it’s just the beginning of a lifetime of “going” and of course growing too.
Just today I stood in his closet and hung up his uniform clothes, collared polo shirts and pressed pants and shorts. Thoughts of his older brother wearing the same ones and starting Kindergarten himself flooded my mind. And now, here we go again. He just seems to small for it all.
I know it will be an adjustment, anything like this is. I just hope it goes well for him and I guess for me too…
*huge warm tender understanding hugs*
I think you have cover pretty much every reason there might be that you are nervous…but know that he does NOT need to be reading when he starts kindergarten and that he will manage the long days…know that your mommy heart will grow with him rather than lose sections will survive his school days. Finally, know that some day you will turn around and he will be 30 and successful and a decent caring human being that you will be proud to have mothered…trust me on this one
I am having so many of those emotions right now. Crying just reading your post. E starts kinder in three weeks. Hugs to us both! G is going to do great!
I KNOW!!! Ben is starting kindergarten in a few weeks too. I feel like he is already behind because the 4K program he was at last year didn’t really teach him anything. Seriously. Nothing. It was all this progressive learning which means learning by playing, basically, which translated to learning nothing. I have been working on his alphabet with him a lot this summer, but I am still worried he is behind the curve because the school he is going to this year (my boys parochial school) is very academic.
In the end I have decided not to worry about it until I see there may be a problem. I know there are many kids coming in from other preK programs, so I’m sure their knowledge will be all over. It is kindergarten for goodness sake!
All day does seem long for such little kids, doesn’t it? I had the option of half day or all day and I picked half. I just figured that he will be going to school for the next 12-16 years so why push it.
In the end (my gawd this is long-sorry), I hear ya. But all will be well.
This made me emotional and I don’t even have one starting school this fall. I know those worries you’re feeling, it’s normal. But, he will be ok. And so will you. But really, where is that pause button?! {hugs}
Aw, I only can imagine. I feel the same way about both my boys. We’re homeschooling here, but once we get back to Canada next year, the plan is for public school for both. Jude will be going into J/K which by that time will also be full days. But I can’t see myself putting him in for full days. I just think it’s far too long. Can you just put him in for the mornings?
And he’s adorable. So there’s that.
I think that’s what I plan on doing. Or not at all. Who knows? We’ll just see how it goes when we get there.
You’re a great Mommy and G is a smart little guy. He may not recognize all his letters, but I bet he’s going to outsmart all the other kids in other ways.
Totally understandable of course. But you also know he’ll be okay right? He’ll be totally okay.
I can relate. We have another year, at least, for Buster. His birthday is Dec. 12, and the cutoff in Michigan is Dec. 1, so he’s just missing the cut off. I KNOW that he’s smart enough, but I feel like you do. That in some ways he’s not as prepared as Buddy was at the same age. It’s odd. Buster’s daycare/PreK teachers tell me it’s a shame that he can’t go this year, because he’s more prepared than some of the kids that ARE going, but yet, it’s hard for me to believe. Maybe it’s just me, and I’m the one not prepared for him to go. Could that be the same issue for you?
Hang in there mama!
Oh this made me tear up…I’m so not looking forward to real school. That is a long day for a kindergartner. But he’ll do great. And so will you. And you’ll get to be home all day with your baby girl! K is going to love it!
Neither of my boys could read a single word other than their name when they started Kindergarten and they are both above average readers now. That’s simply hogwash.
G will be fine and so will you. It’s hard, I know but I bet he is ready and in a month, you won’t remember this at all
I think there has to be something about the second boy, the baby boy, that makes us feel that way. I have a year before Jack starts K and I feel like there is no way he will be “ready” where as with Tommy I knew he was all set to start. Its like we want our little baby boys to stay our little baby boys. I am sure he will do just fine though, its amazing how these little guys adapt!!
Oh, great big hugs to you. He will do great! But I can feel my mother-heart aching for yours.
I don’t know what to say. It killed me when Cady started, and I’m sure it will when James does next year. The letting go is hard.
When Jackson began PPCD at 3 years old and I put him on the bus for that first 8-3 pm day, I thought I might burst into tears right there. How could he do it without me?
I was certain I would get a phone call that he was hysterical before 9 am.
But I didn’t.
And he did awesome. Amazingly well considering everything…and I know G will too.
He is so clever and funny. I’m sure he’ll be the life of his classroom. :0)
Here’s to a stress free first day for you both.
K starts full time Kindergarten next month. My last baby……I am sure I will be knocking on my therapists door……..
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. Yes, I am excited to have all 4 kids in school all day but that means the triplets will be in kindergarten and I worry about them. How will they do? Do they know enough? Are they ready?
I have no idea what the answer is but just know you are not alone here.
I was terrified for my second one to go to K too, and I still cry when separated from the kids, so I’m not any kind of help!
I think all of us mothers go through this, with our kids, for various milestones. I know I do. I hope the transition is smooth for everyone. The all day aspect was one of my biggest concerns for Timmy when he started last year, as he still napped every day. He adjusted, but still naps a couple of times a week!
I wasn’t sad to send Sam to kinder at all, lmao!!!! OK, I was a teensy-weensy sad that first day and that was it- ha! For the record, Sam knew his alphabet but absolutely NO sight words, not even trying to read and by the end of kinder, he was reading at a first grade level. Sophie started kinder with a few sight words under her belt and stayed right on par the entire time. Go figure. You can never know.
However, I do know that you and Tim have provided a most awesome environment/home for your kids and all three of them will continue to flourish!
You are describing exactly how I think I will feel next year when Andrew goes! Must be a middle child thing! Lillian has always been my “learner”…like her dad, she actively wants to know everything and has known her letters and sounds since she was 3 and knows lots of sight words and can sound out some words as she enters Kindergarten this year. I’m not worried about what she knows….then my Andrew on the other hand will not sit for anything and knows maybe 1 or 2 letters. He can spell out his name to you outloud, but couldn’t recognize it if you wrote it. I doubt much will change over this next year before he enters Kindergarten next year….as you say, every child is different. It can just be so frustrating as a parent knowing that your older child could do it, so why can’t this one?! We’ll see…but I’m sure G and Andrew will both do just fine. As a former Kindergarten teacher, myself, I know how much they can grow and learn in that year!