This mother of three should really know by now that 2 year-olds don’t stand still, right?

Taking photos of kids is pretty hard.  Especially when it is your own and especially when they are not too keen on listening to you and just want to do their own thing.  BUT, you chose that moment in time to try to take their photo so you just snap away and do the best you can and hopefully get a few shots.

Here’s a pictorial narrative of how things usually go down with Little Miss K, once Mommy decides it’s picture-taking time:

“Katie, stand in front of the gate and let Mommy take your picture!!”

“Oops! Mommy fell, but that’s okay…”
“Okay, good, stand right there!”

“Katie, look at Mommy, we are not done yet”

“Are you dancing? Oh how cute, okay, stand by the gate, Katie…………”

“Oh, so you don’t want to?  Okay, that’s fine, please just don’t Hulk out on me, alrighty?!”

“Phew, you lightened up, but you are SO done with this, aren’t you? Okay… bye…”


Beautiful outfit courtesy of the lovely and generous Tracy, which she sent to K last fall and she is just now able to fit into.  I took her to the salon to get her first REAL haircut in this outfit on Saturday and all the ladies there just swooned over her… And yes, those bangs do make her look twice her age. Geez…  


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