I kinda feel like it’s been “The Little G” show around here lately so I thought I would give The B Man some equal time. Because he’s pretty darn cute himself you know…
A few weeks ago I gave him the little interview that’s gone around many a blog in the last few weeks and here are his replies (with my commentary in parentheses):
What is something that Mommy says to you a lot? NO (very true.)
What makes mom happy? Gavie (a nickname for his brother)
What makes mom sad? When I yell
What does Mom do to make you laugh? Say “don’t laugh” (and then tickle him and then it makes him laugh)
What was I like as a child? A little kid
How tall is Mom? Taller than a great blue heron (what?)
What’s Mom’s favorite thing to do? Clean up (uh….no, sorry mister, you’re wrong on that one!)
What does Mom do when you’re not around? Play hide and seek (also, no)
What is mom really good at? He first said “that’s a tricky one” Then… “good at spotting birds” (HUH???)
If I become famous what will it be for? For being a celebrity
How do you know Mom loves you? You give me a hug and a kiss!
What am I not very good at? Getting good hiding places (I’m sensing a Hide And Seek theme here…)
What is my favorite food? Bananas, mango, zucchini, oranges, grapes (mango? where did that come from?)
What makes you proud of Mom? For cleaning very good (apparently our house is very clean… yeah, you just keep thinkin’ that!)
If mom were a cartoon who would she be? Tom and Jerry
What do Mom and you do together? Play hide and seek (there it is again!)
How are we the same? We are all equal in God’s eyes (no lie…so sweet!)
How are you and Mom different? No one looks the same
Where’s mom’s favorite place to go? The grocery store! (That’s a bold-faced lie right there!)
I took him to the doctor for his 5 yr check up last week and despite some allergy issues, he’s a healthy little dude. He’s finally moved into the 25% for height and weight so he may not be THE smallest kid after all. (He’s always usually only been 10% or a little lower.)
We also attended Kindergarten Round-up together last week and after we came home that afternoon he just kept saying “Kindergarten Round-up was AWESOME!” I hope he still feels that way in a few months and that I’m the only one with tears in my eyes that first day… It’ll be here before we know it!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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