….Well, with 2 other kids anyway.
I seem to hit a wall around 3 p.m. every day and I’m just TIRED, like more tired than I’ve ever been in my life. I mean I ran a 5K and still wasn’t this tired (ok, I walked some, but you know what I mean) I admit, I have not been exercising regularly and that probably has something to do with it too, but geez, AM I bleepin’ TIRED!
Just call me Mrs. Complainy Complainster. I’m fine with that. Really I am.
And my brain, well it’s total mush these days. I can’t find my keys IN MY POCKET, I leave the hamster in the ball all night (poor little rodent) and forget to put the flour in the cookie dough. Who needs flour in their cookies? It’s totally overrated anyway…
So, if I’m this way with 2.5 kids, I can only imagine what life’s going to be like when it’s 3. Actually I can’t imagine because that takes too much energy and brain power. And frankly, I’m kinda tapped out today (and probably tomorrow and the day after that as well.)
Y’all have a good weekend. I’m planning a few naps and letting someone else cook for me on Saturday night. Other than that, not much on the agenda. Peace out.
Too funny….I am with you on this…naps are on the plate this weekend for me too!! 4pm is my wall, this is all preparation for when baby comes….just wish it would not start UNTIL thte baby actually came!
Have a great one!
I remember being that tired when I was pregnant with number three. Naps were a must and bedtime was early. Here’s hoping you get some rest. Good Luck.
I was exhausted when I was pregnant with Cole until I started getting iron supplements toward the end of my second trimester (something I wasn’t tested for when I was pregnant with Caden for some reason). Anyway, I had boundless energy in my third trimester – there are many days I wish I could have that energy back!
Oh darling, I have two kids and I am NOT pregnant, and I am complainy girl all day and all night long! I’m always tired, too! You just take care of yourself, and absolutely let someone else do the cooking this weekend! Enjoy your naps – you deserve them!
You poor lil exhuasted thing you! I hope you can get some extra naps in this weekend and feel refreshed. Hang in there.
3:00 was always, always my all of a sudden I can’t keep my eyes open I just want to sleep forever and just not move hour. If I could make it past that hour I would get a 1/2 second wind but man that 3:00 hour sucks, there I said it, it sucks, lol!
take it easy this weekend friend – enjoy the extra naps
you deserve em!
You’re growing another human being – complain away, it’s incredibly exhausting. That pod thing sounds better and better…
Now stock up on some Disney flicks, plug in the boys, and go take a nap. That’s an order!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I know what you mean. I remember being completely wiped all the time when pregnant with Butterfly. I hope you are napping as often as possible. Even if B Man doesn’t nap, he can have quiet time so you can rest. Enjoy your weekend.
Also, the whole moving bit might be adding to the fatigue.
Praying you have a restful weekend.
Gestating is hard! The worst for me is having to cancel my plans because I’m too tired to make small talk. I mean, how lame it that?! I really, really am, but I still…
I am totally not kidding when I say I do NOT know how you do it! I was so dang tired and sick as a dog while pregnant…and that was without other little people to care for. I can’t even imagine.
I know exactly what you mean! With my 2 boys up at 7 no later than 8 every morning i am dead by 3 or earlier. Sometimes i am like OMG what have i gotten myself into now?
Boy I remember that feeling! Get some rest and enjoy your weekend girly!
BlogHer is getting ever closer…hooray!
I hope you get a good long nap and yes- it’s hard with the three kids but a different type of exhaustion & tired… one that allows you to still function and make it through the day! We have amazing coping skills… : )
Oh Elaine… I am here to tell you that as a mom of three you will be tried one hour earlier then being pregnant. You can quote me on that and bring it up in a couple of months.
Can you tell I had a LONG ASS day with 3?
Take some time to yourself–you are going through so much right now. It’s only normal…it will get better
we are in this boat together my friend. I’m right there with you, and I know it’s haaaaaaaaard.
I’m only working on #2 but I feel ya. I hit a wall around nap time and after that it’s kaput for me.