Ok, so I have been following along with Brittany’s pregnancy since the day she announced she was carrying twins on her blog, 4 Little Men and Twins. And, I had followed her blog before that. She has four boys preceding the babies that she delivered yesterday, surrounded by a fair bit of drama. Let’s just say her labor was “induced” in a rather unconventional way.
We still don’t know the gender of these babies but I thought I would send my readers over to send her and the newborns some extra love and prayers. I feel like I know this woman even though I have never met her and as I was reading about her impending delivery, etc. my heart began to beat faster. It’s amazing to me how we can feel so much emotion for someone we’ve never met IRL.
Anyway, go over there and congratulate her and perhaps make a new bloggy friend yourself. ; ) She’s awesome.
What an amazing story…God is so good!
I just read through some of the posts wow! Glad she is OK and thanks for giving me another blog to stalk
I was dying when her friend posted that the babies arrived (safely thankfully) but where was the extra bit of informatin everyone wants to know!!
This just isn’t fair to make us wait.
I know! I have been reading her probably since the first week I started blogging. The whole accident freaked me out. But she and those babies have so many people praying for them, and it looks like everyone is doing well. I can’t wait to see if they are both girls or boys.
I LOVE your profile pic! You are a hottie!
I have been following along, too! thank God everyone is safe, and I can’t wait for the big reveal! ;o)
I can see I’m going to have to go read her blog to see what’s going on. I can’t believe how many little kids she has. Wow! Impressive. I’ve overwhelmed with the two I have. hehe
Thanks for visiting me yesterday!
Oh no another great blogger!
Okay…I am off to read and congratulate.
Anyone that has that many kiddos deserves Congratulations!
Adding my prayers,
take care Elaine,
You’re a good friend!
WOW! Glad the babies arrived safely. But what did she have, what re their genders?
WOW that is amazing!
I’ve been over there once or twice, but not in a while. I’m so excited about her new babies – I have a soft spot for twins! I’ll go over – thanks. Take care – Kellan
I just can not wait to find out if it’s two boys or two girls! I want to send a gift… and know their names! : )
I live less than a mile from her. We FINALLY met each other last week. She is SUCH a doll.
I think I might sneak to the hospital today or tomorrow. If I make it over…well… I don’t think I’ll share the sex of the babies… but I might just tease everyone about it. tee hee!
FYI the post is up with the sex of the babies … I’ve been reading that blog, too!
Thank you SOOOO MUCH! You are way too sweet! I am so amazed and humbled by the love and care from everyone. God is so great! To him be the Glory!
have a great night