It’s been raining and GRAY here since the new year.
I am pretty sure I can count on one hand the days or parts of a day since then that I have seen a hint of the sun or any touch of blue sky.
But, on Friday afternoon it was overcast and not raining. So the kids and I were actually able to be outside for a bit (yes in shorts and a skirt) to get some fresh (although damp) air.
The forecast shows more rain, gray skies and cold air this entire week, with a possible reprieve on Friday.
This Southerner is NOT used to this.
Is Winter over yet?
Great pictures. I like the little lights in the background. It’s been miserable here and looks like it will remain that way for sometime. I wish winter was over.
Love your pictures!
And gosh, your biggest looks so….. big.
I can’t remember Georgia ever this gray and gloomy.
Hopefully, we’ll both see some sun later this week!
Hate the gray and the gloomy. I just hate winter. I am counting down the days until New England sees a hint of summer!
Beautiful pictures!
It’s been rotten here too! We got a nice warm up this weekend but we were covered in fog and a drizzle or rain every now and then. I just want to open the windows and let the warm, fresh smelling air in.
Love your photos, as always!
These are great pictures. Thanks for sharing them
Gorgeous photos! I just can’t wait for warm weather again.
Friday was bliss. Because of course it was (work! school!). Saturday was a hot, muggy beast, and then this insane cold was back on Sunday. What is up with this weather? Not even one sunny day for weeks (except that little bit on Friday). So depressing.
These photos are SO PRETTY! The light bokah is magical and your kiddos look truly happy. Its been sunny here which is actually frustrating. Because it is FREEZING outside. Like my kids will run outside hoping to get some playtime, and then they’ll rush back inside because its miserable.
Here on Friday, we saw the sun… THE SUN. It was the first time in weeks. Oh it felt so good.
Love the pictures.
So much fun! I love it. Glad you guys took advantage of it!
What’s with all this winter weather?? I mean, I know it’s January, but y’all certainly aren’t used to all the gray and we’re not either. It was beautiful here Friday too, but now it’s freezing again. We’re so spoiled!
The pictures are really awesome. may I ask, what is the model of the camera?…:)