Plus! Tiny Prints contacted me and asked if they could be highlighted on my blog and I said sure, but have you got some goodies for my readers? And boy do they!! So let’s Celebreate 20,000 hits with a GIVEAWAY! Tiny Prints has generously offered a $50 credit to their site for one lucky commenter! And I know their stuff is great because I got both Little G’s birth announcements and his baptims invitations from them. And both were super cute!

Here are a couple more of examples of what they do. Aren’t these precious?

So here’s what you gotta do for a chance to win my friends:
Go on over to Tiny Prints and check out their site.
They also have holiday cards and other fun stuff.
Leave ONE comment on THIS POST about what you would most likely use the 50 bucks toward. (Any comment that does not mention one of their products will be deleted).
You DO NOT have to have a blog to enter, just a valid email address where they can send your “prize!” (that means you can enter too Jen!) PLEASE leave your email address in the comments if you do not have a blog. Otherwise, if you win and I cannot contact you I will move on to the next randomly chosen winner.
The giveaway ends on the evening of Thursday, September 25th and I will announce the winner on Friday, the 26th, one week from today. I will use Random.Org to choose the lucky winner.
Okay, click on over there and see all the cuteness and come back and tell me what you covet. Ready… Set… Go!