…they go by pretty fast, you know?
Last night we returned from Texas, late. Meaning it was late at night. Like 11 p.m. late. And someone I know who is two years old was still awake and watching “bugs” (A Bugs Life).
During our long jaunt back, I texted a friend of mine to see if she wanted to go to the zoo today since the kids were still off from school. We agreed to meet and then I wondered what I had done. I had SO much to do when I got back. But I didn’t really want to be in the house ALL day long after just being in the van all night long with the kids, ya know?
As it turns out, I did not stop “going” all day. After the zoo I came home and still DID the things I should have been doing while we were there…
…a marmoset almost peed on K and Little G had a pretty amazing tantrum over sharing an ICEE. It was mildly embarrassing. But it has been worse. Although even The B Man was pretty mortified. He stood away from us and after the fact said, “Mom, I stood over there because I didn’t want anyone to know he was my brother.” Dude, I SO woulda stood over there with you for a bit if I could have. Then later the giraffe was trying to eat the wooden sign that was right in front of his “holding area” that says, “Giraffe”. I found that a a tad funny for some reason…
Then, before I knew it we were home at 2:20 and I had to think about what was for dinner from a house we had not lived in during the last 4 days.
I saw bacon and eggs in the fridge and so “Brinner” it was!! The kids love Brinner. But I think most people do.
When I was a kid the local fire department used to do a yearly fundraiser where they cooked breakfast for dinner and it was always a big hit and raised a lot of money for them. I know my mom liked it because that meant she didn’t have to cook that night. I can still taste those pancakes that the man in the big boots used to put on my styrofoam plate. And they just left the sticky syrup sitting there, open, so you could pour on as much as your heart desired.
Those days went by fast too, and they seem so very long ago… yet so close.
We had a good Easter, and time with family. Once I process it all (including the SCADS of photos I took), I’ll give you an idea of how great it was…
Can you say homemade tiramisu? (yeah, my Mom is awesome.)

Hey it all works out in the end, right? Breakfast for dinner sounds awesome. Also, the giraffe trying to eat the giraffe sign is pretty funny.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to really process how great this past week was.
Also? Brinner is the best!
You are my hero, getting home so late and then going to the zoo the next day. Though I totally get not wanting to be stuck inside. Going away is so nice, but the catch up is exhausting.
You are my hero, returning home so late and then taking the kids to the zoo the next day! Going away is so nice, but the catch up is exhausting.
It sounds like you had a nice break! We love “brinner” in our house too. I have a feeling we might be having it on Wednesday.
We have breakfast-for-dinner at LEAST once a week. In fact, we’re having it tonight: bacon omelette and crepes. I’m going to be a hero!
I’m so happy that I am not the only one who asks a friend to do something and then question myself what did I just do?!
I loved this post, Elaine–beautifully written, friend. xo
Sounds like a nice trip and OH the golden egg. Love. xo
It sounds like a great trip! I feel you on the epic tantrums–Tommy had one yesterday because I wouldn’t let him have a $14 bag of beef jerky. Luke was trying to distance himself from Tommy during that one too!
I feel the very same way about being in a house after a long trip with the bambinos. I’m pleased that your Easter went smooth and that you enjoyed brinner. Actually- we are having brinner tonight, too. With smoked sausage from up north.
Happy Tuesday, Elaine.
love breakfast for dinner/brinner, and you are amazing! i’d never have committed to the zoo after that late night.
and your description of the firemen’s pancakes is making my mouth water….
I started working on photos last night, but there were just SO many. Sheesh. What was I thinking?
Glad you guys had a good visit.
Mmmmm syrup. I would drink the stuff if people wouldnt look at me funny…..
Love the pic….
I had something witty/smart to say, and then you said tiramasu…and I don’t remember anything…
My daughter chooses Brinner for almost every dinner we let her plan. Also, LOVE to photo!
I’m exhausted just thinking about your day!
Brinner ROCKS!! We have it once a week, usually on a sports night because it is so quick and easy and I know my girls will gobble it up.
We went to the zoo while we were on spring break and the giraffe at the zoo was chewing on the hose bib. It looked like he was trying to turn it on to get a drink from the hose. My girls were cracking up!
That picture is amazing, I love how you can be seen taking it in the egg.
I have been thinking so much about you, especially about the post you wrote about how different things would have been if you had blogging years ago, how we’ve changed life for you…I wanted to tell you that you’ve changed life for me. Your words (even when i don’t comment) swirl around me all day when I read them, your honesty and love for your family just lifts me up and I think of you and smile.
the weekend was so fast adn stressful for me that I spent Monday in bed with a migraine, so I know how you felt coming home and just jumping in to all of it, but you know what..you do it so well.
I know I don’t comment as much as I should my friend, but I’m here, I’m listening, I’m reading and I love ya….You make my world online a lot brighter.
Oh my, the crazy mess! Love!
And that photo? Pure perfection!