I’m not sure how to express what a “time” we’ve had on this vacation.
We are here with our good friends, who also have two boys, including one that is also six and great friends with The B Man.
If I had a little dime for every time the aforementioned words “poop” and “farts” have been uttered loudly proclaimed I would be able to afford one of these fabulous beach houses, right off the water. And I’d pay CASH.
That’s a lot of dimes people.
But it’s okay, they are having a blast and that’s all that really matters.
Fortunately the beach has been pretty fantastic, minus a ton of seaweed and algae and that pesky sand stuff that Baby K apparently thinks is a snack.
After our beach time yesterday morning she fell asleep like a wet noodle in my arms, just on the short walk back to the house. She slept for two hours in her cover-up, bathing suit and swim diaper. Ahhh, the beach.
We thought Timothy might escape the rath of the sun this time but alas it was not meant to be and he is now “my lobster.” (p.s. both families ran out of sunscreen at the worst time…also, note to self: tell husband to wear a shirt instead)
And The B Man is going to enter some sort of tanning contest and possibly win (thank the good Lord he got my skin type and p.s. he has worn sunscreen the whole time, that is part of the reason we ran out).
Thankfully the older boys have mostly included Little G and he’s had so much fun being their little “sidekick” and shadow. He has a healthy fear of the ocean, several times saying, “No, I might die in there.” And of course he has a point but he still took his chances in the great deep with the support and care of both either Tim or I and his trusty “floatie”.
There are many more memories and pictures to share. I feel so blessed that we are able to share this time with our children and friends.
I do have one little regret though. We leave tomorrow and I never got to ride one of these while feeling the ocean breeze on my face.
Oh well, there’s always next year…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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