There Was a Party So It’s Official, She’s ONE.

It was a beautiful day for a party for a beautiful little girl.

I think it really hit me that my “baby” was going to be ONE while I was making and watching (over and over and over) the video I made for her birthday post.

And then it slapped me upside the head hard on Saturday as I placed the “1” candle on her “giant” cupcake cake.

All the sudden (seriously, like in the last week or so…) she no longer seams infantile. At all. And she is in pure toddler mode (although not quite walking yet).

(yes, she looks like her Daddy…)

She stood around the party in her fabulous tutu that everyone swooned over.

And then we all went outside to whack on the big ole cupcake pinata…

And the the goodies came spilling out..

And the good in our lives continues to spill out with this little girl in our lives…

Linking up to Mommy & Me Monday at Krystyn’s place.


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