Categories: babiesFriends

Do You Know Your Baby Alphabet?

There was a baby shower at my house yesterday. My friend Claudia is about to have her second boy and all of ladies in the playgroup honored her here.

Now at any properly planned shower there must be a few games, right? Well, we played one in which you had to come up with a baby related word for every letter in the alphabet. This is harder than you think. I had a terrible time with it and I think I got maybe half of the alphabet filled out. And there were alot of other ladies in the same boat as me.

My friend Heather was a completely different story. When asked if anyone had gotten all of the letters she raised her hand. Mind you Heather has no children. So, we decided that because of that she still has all her witts about her and thus a pretty good vocabulary. And she did have a word for every letter, including many of the medical terms. I mean the woman even had “zygote” for Z. Come on!

There was one letter however, in which she was a little “off” on her answer.
For “L” she had “La Leaky.” HUH? Yes people, instead of La Leche she had La Leaky. Now I don’t know about you but I thought that was pretty funny. Because in my experience they do like to “la leaky” on occasion (while breastfeeding of course!) and I wondered why they hadn’t named it that instead.

Heather still “won” the game and she is perfectly fine with me “outing” her here on the blog about the fact that she has NEVER had to consult The La Leche League (or La Leaky, as I will be calling it from now on…) for any questions or concerns…

Here are all of us hostesses with the guest of honor in the middle.

Happy Baby to our dear, sweet friend!


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