I think we get more brave as we get older.  More confident.  More secure in our own skin.  I know I have.

The other night I posted this photo on instagram and twitter.

I’m wearing that “cramazing” (crazy & amazing make one word!) shoe and its mate to a shindig this weekend for Tim’s company. While perusing the vast shoe selection at the local department store I would have NEVER picked out these shoes.  But another woman was trying them on and going on and on about how they were actually comfortable and I saw how they made her legs look about 5 miles long and I said to myself, “What the heck!”

We ended up bonding over this shoe.  Me and a beautiful stranger.  And we both bought a pair.  United in shoes and I didn’t even get her name.  Such a shame.

Anyway, me and my hot shoes are gonna rock it on Saturday night, I guarantee it! 🙂
(That’s also code for” please pray that i do not trip and make a fool of myself in front of my husband’s new boss”. k, thanks.)

P.S. PLEASE visit me over at Jamie’s place, Chosen Chaos, where I have written a letter to my 18-year old self, who I am pretty sure would not have had the confidence to really wear these shoes… you know?


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