It’s hard to get as much time as I’d like these days with my two sweet boys. Their baby sister takes precedence right now in many cases. But it must be said, they still have my heart. They will ALWAYS have my heart.
I can still find matching sweaters for them and help them dress for church and that makes me smile.
They play pretty well together these days and it’s so fun to watch. Little G copies his brother and they play games together (including hide and seek, although G isn’t very good at hiding – “uh, he can see you under my legs…”).
The B Man can almost read and is so independent these days, getting his own snacks and even helping with both Little G and the baby. He’s my big boy.
And Little G is talking so well (although he’s got the classic toddler speech issue where he uses W’s in place of L’s and says things like “Wittle” instead of “Little.”). I could listen to him all day. Well except when he’s whining. But really, he’s so dang cute either way.
They are my sweet baby boys and although they seem to be growing like crazy these days (The B Man’s school pants that I bought back in August are too short now!) they will always BE my babies even if there is a smaller one in the house.
Kiss kiss my sweets, I love you. (and stop growing so fast.)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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