The rain pounds on the roof and the wind blows as the “front”makes it’s way through.
There is no powdery white snow here. Or any snow for that matter. Winter typically presents itself via coolish temperatures and the occasional freeze. Sometimes there is rain and cold mud. Brown-ish grass mixes with green and the camellias bloom in abundance.
One January day the children are wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt and the very next they are clad in layers, because they just “ain’t” quite sure how to handle 45 degrees. They run out the door after breakfast to decide if they should cover their appendages or leave them free to feel the air. Some mornings call for the seat warmers in the van, but most do not. When the sun shines the mud cakes, marked with tire tracks and boot prints and those days are literally golden. It’s like a gift from the heavens and best seen through the mostly leaf-less trees.
Winter in the south is sort of like a weather roller coaster. The temperature can drop 30 degrees within hours. Your lips can change from supple to dry in no time. Anyone can quickly go from just wanting to wear those boots (Hello! It’s “winter”) to actually needing to. And hot cocoa can sound like the best idea or the most ridiculous.
This winter everything seems amplified for me. My own coolness or warmth. My comfort or discomfort. My love of the rain, to noticing it adding to my despair. This winter is like no other I have ever spent. I suppose every season of this year will be that way, in some regard.
Thankfully, spring is next and that brings blooming and hope. It means new beginnings and re-birth. I assume it’s the season that people decided to settle here because it is the most pretty and pleasant. Little green buds and trees full of lime green. Sunshine with more warmth and lasting longer.
For now I will try to enjoy this winter while it lasts. I will bask in its changes and movements. It’s blue skies and grey. I will comfort myself in sweaters when the chill arrives and break out my t-shirts when the the warm days surprise us.
And I will drink hot cocoa whenever the heck I feel like it.
So, who wants to come hang out with me? Winter is mostly lovely here…
this post inspired by MamaKat’s writers workshop.
Oh how I would love to! It sounds lovely to me. You write so beautifully, my friend,
Kami recently posted…The Photos of Christmas Past
I think I like your winters better than my Cleveland ones! But we’ve only had two snowstorms and mild temperatures so it hasn’t been so bad this year!
Winter has been weird here this year, the weather has been off and our year has been off to a tough start. January is always hard for me, and I’m relieved when it’s over. But I would come hang out with you anytime

Julia recently posted…Why I’m Done with Mom Guilt
Wonderfully written, Elaine! I love this.

Kat recently posted…Like A Lion
Makes me a little homesick. I grew up in the south and these northern winters are hard on a Florida girl! Stopping by from Mama Kat’s!<3
Ah, to see green grass where it isn’t 30 degrees outside. I am counting the days until spring. There are 39.
You have such a great outlook on winter, both literally and figuratively. You are my hero.
Andrea recently posted…I Will Not Apologize
Considering we went to church in 10 degree weather this morning, your winters sound lovely. I certainly hope that spring brings you all sorts of new beginnings. For now, just enjoy those moments you spend drinking hot cocoa and wearing those boots.
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