The Whole Story

Y’all know I love Instagram so much that I would totally marry it, right?


But what I find interesting as I look through my pictures is that even though that one moment is captured and put out there for the whole world my 737 followers, only about 20-30 who usually “like” a photo or comment to see, they really have NO idea what is going on in the background while said photo is being taken.

For instance.

I posted this photo the other day, which is precious, yes?


BUT.  Little did you all know that this was taken after MUCH arguing over “turns” and “can we all fit”s and stop elbowing me and OMG if I don’t get a turn right now I’m going to stomp my three-year-old foot right off my LEEEEGGG!

Yeah.  Guess who that was.

Oh and in this one (taken in the same hour), K has lost her beloved flip-flop for the BAJILLIONTH time on our jaunt to the old horse farm. note to self: make her wear REAL shoes next time.

She may or may not be giving me the stink eye for taking YET ANOTHER photo with my phone.  Or perhaps she’s just squinting at the sun.  Or both.  And the 9-year old, well he’s just a cool cat and doing his best to  ignore me, as usual.

And the middle child?  He’s taken off somewhere.  Oh, I *think* he’s over there under the trees discovering the swing that will soon be fought over. A LOT.  I swear he IS in the pic, you just can’t see him neither can I.

I took this shot on our way out the door to B’s end of the year school party.  He was so ticked at me too, saying “Mom, c’mon already nobody cares about a picture of your fruit cookies, let’s go!!”

And all the while I’m thinking, “just you wait, buddy, people are going to “like” this one, they always like FOOD!”  And I was right – 44 people cared!!  And 5 even cared enough to comment!  So there!

Oh, and p.s. three moms came up to me, “Ben’s Mom”, at the party and asked me for the recipe. No lie.  They looked and tasted even better IRL. ;-P

Then these were taken on the last day of school and I mushed ’em together in Diptic.

I took them while the boys were on their way out the door and in the background Tim is hollering “C’mon boys” and I’m saying “no, stop, smile, let me take your picture on the last day of school!” while eating my scrambled eggs and not wearing a bra.

Now I’ve ruined Instagram for your forever, right?

So, what’s going on in the background while you’re taking YOUR insta photos?

Are you without proper undergarments also?

Please, do share.

Oh and if you still wanna follow me on Instagram I am misselaine0375. 🙂

p.s. Old School Blogging will be back again this Thursday so be ready to blog like it’s 2008!


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