Many of the views I take in with motherhood are contained within my home and my minivan.

I see the bottom of the top bunk while reading books to my little girl.  I see the tub, full of water, bath toys and kids.

I see LEGOs all over the floor. LOTS of LEGOs.

One of my favorite views is through the kitchen windows over the sink, where I can see the kids playing in the driveway, doing sidewalk chalk or riding their bikes.

I see inside the refrigerator a lot and in the pantry too.  I see my hands cutting up veggies and fruit.

I see myself fill cups of milk and sweep the floor of crumbs.

I see “Frozen” and “The LEGO Movie” and episodes of Wild Kratz on in the background.

I see the clothes we fold together and some that I re-fold. 🙂

I see forts and dirty dishes and homework pages and piles of laundry.

I see balloons that are caught in the ceiling fan.  I see unmade beds and messy faces.


As I drive I see the same streets I use to take my children to school and their activities.  I see papers and purses and shoes and toys cluttering up the van.

I see my oldest sitting next to me as I drive.

I see lights change from red to green.  I see people jamming to music in their cars.  I jam too, just to embarrass that oldest child.

I see the kids click their seatbelts and the bright sun through my sunglasses and the Target parking lot.

I see strangers walking or riding their bikes or waiting for the city bus.

I see Sonic and want to pull in… 😉


Occasionally we get a break free of all the routines and one of those times is summer.

In summer my views change somewhat…  More flip flops on feet.  More blue water.  More sun.

I see different places than where we live.

I see the sun set from a unfamiliar side.

I see kids with constantly wet hair sporting bathing suits.

I see painted toenails and reflections in the lake and pool.

I see ice cream-licking and brow-wiping.

Unfortunately, I see mosquitoes.

I see smiles and joy like no other.

I try to see in slow motion and take it all in.


My views are varied and many as a mother.  Soon my days will turn back to that routine of the school year.  One of the main views I will see is the one I am seeing now, as I type this. My computer, my desk.  Out the back window or over through the French doors of our home office.


So far this summer one of my favorite views came while at a waterpark in Florida with my family.  I have always loved waterparks and I am pretty sure I love them even more now that I can se them through my kids’ eyes.  I had a wonderful time riding on some of the slides with each one of my children and especially with K.  She seems to like the place as much as me.

I wish you could hear the squeals. 🙂



What has been your favorite view so far this Summer?

Join in the writing fun over at Mama’s Losin’ It!


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