I wanted to go ahead and write about and post pictures from our last couple of days in Canada… you know, for posterity and all.
On our way back from the mountains we hit up the super enormous mall in Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall.
It’s in West Edmonton. 😉
They have both a water park AND an amusement park INSIDE the mall. No lie.
So we took to the water that afternoon.
The kids has a flippin’ BLAST in the wave pool, all three of them. And Ben rode some slides.
Oh and Tim and I rode this crazy one where it shoots you down and then UP in a loop. The worst part was when they close lock you inside this capsule-looking thing at the top and a lady’s voice counts down, Three. Two. One. And then the floor drops out beneath you.
I know. I’m nuts.
But it was pretty fun and lasted all of 7 seconds. I did not, however go a second time. 😉
We DID go back and get our kids. Can you believe it? Heh heh.
And then we ventured back out to the mall to hit up the amusement park on Friday afternoon (our last day).
Unfortunately, Ben cut one of his fingers VERY badly on the way into the mall. (it’s kind of a long story and I just don’t want to go into it all on here) and he and Tim spent 5 hours in an ER while I stayed back with my other 2 kids and a couple of my cousin’s kids.
We did have fun but I was sad to have Tim and Ben miss most of the fun. They did get to come back and ride some rides after Ben got ELEVEN stitches in his finger (which just got taken out on Monday).
It was a crazy day indeed. Thankfully Kami was there to keep me company too… 🙂
And once Tim got back we did ride the big roller coaster with 3 loop-de-loops and crazy G force.
And then after all this fun, and one last night of visiting with my cousin and her husband, we left extremely early on Saturday morning.
I still miss her. And all of her sweet, beautiful family, actually.
I really wish Canada was not so far away…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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