I wanted to go ahead and write about and post pictures from our last couple of days in Canada… you know, for posterity and all.
On our way back from the mountains we hit up the super enormous mall in Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall.
It’s in West Edmonton.
They have both a water park AND an amusement park INSIDE the mall. No lie.
So we took to the water that afternoon.
The kids has a flippin’ BLAST in the wave pool, all three of them. And Ben rode some slides.
Oh and Tim and I rode this crazy one where it shoots you down and then UP in a loop. The worst part was when they close lock you inside this capsule-looking thing at the top and a lady’s voice counts down, Three. Two. One. And then the floor drops out beneath you.
I know. I’m nuts.
But it was pretty fun and lasted all of 7 seconds. I did not, however go a second time.
We DID go back and get our kids. Can you believe it? Heh heh.
And then we ventured back out to the mall to hit up the amusement park on Friday afternoon (our last day).
Unfortunately, Ben cut one of his fingers VERY badly on the way into the mall. (it’s kind of a long story and I just don’t want to go into it all on here) and he and Tim spent 5 hours in an ER while I stayed back with my other 2 kids and a couple of my cousin’s kids.
We did have fun but I was sad to have Tim and Ben miss most of the fun. They did get to come back and ride some rides after Ben got ELEVEN stitches in his finger (which just got taken out on Monday).
It was a crazy day indeed. Thankfully Kami was there to keep me company too…
And once Tim got back we did ride the big roller coaster with 3 loop-de-loops and crazy G force.
And then after all this fun, and one last night of visiting with my cousin and her husband, we left extremely early on Saturday morning.
I still miss her. And all of her sweet, beautiful family, actually.
I really wish Canada was not so far away…
that water park looks awesome. i’ve never been to a water park before, but i’d love to go. i’ve been to a sort of one at a centreparcs, but i ended up slicing my hips open on the rapids and couldn’t go in again after that. haha.
Oh, I just love this. What a dream. Also, ELEVEN stitches in his finger?! The poor guy! I cut my finger slicing open an avocado a few years ago and it was only three stitches and that was pretty bloody and painful!
Such lasting memories will be made of a wonderful amusement/water park in a mall!
Wow. I feel like I’ve been saying “Wow” a lot on your blog lately.
This trip just looks like the trip of a lifetime. It sounds PERFECT! Well, except for the finger cut. Ouch!
I love that top pic of your sweet kiddos. And did you happen to notice the lady behind them sleeping? Hehe.
Nice that you and Tim got to have a little time to yourselves as well. So good.
I have never been to the West Edmonton Mall. Despite driving across Canada once, West Edmonton was out of the way so we didn’t go. I will go some day though, FOR SURE!
It looks like so much fun – except for the cut finger, of course, which must have been awful. Hope he is feeling better now!
I have never been to West Edmonton Mall but it always amazes me that there is so much there. Also, the hotel looks lovely!
Wow – water park AND amusement park at the mall? That sounds spectacular!
It looks like a fabulous time and your pictures are gorgeous. And you and your cousin look a little alike, do you know that? It’s the beautiful blonde hair!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! It looks like you all had a blast, except for the finger. Hope all is better!
Awesome pix. And YAAAAAY for date [over?!]night!! Seriously. Jealously happening.
What a great trip! I love your photos, Elaine. So beautiful.
Your pictures are just gorgeous. I want you to travel again so I can see more!
In the last photo I can totally see the family resemblance between you and your cousin. I’m so glad y’all had a great time.
Wow now I want to go to Canada, a mall with a water park and an amusement park that is something I have to see. I’m glad you had such a nice trip, vacations are the best.
Canada looks gorgeous! Glad you had a good time (especially overnight sans kids), but sorry about Ben’s finger. Hope he’s all better now.
You guys really did this trip up! How nice that you got away for the night!
And, poor Ben’s finger. That really stinks.
I’ve loved your Canada updates, although they do make me a little homesick…
Don’t forget about the ice skating rink and the aquarium, which are also in that mall! And two of almost every store you can think of
I live in the area, so I spend a lot of time at that mall. Kind of becomes old hat after a while, as I’m sure attractions in your area would be to you! Glad you had a great time here! Canada is awesome.