When Gavin was born I remember watching the American Idol finale from my hospital bed.  It was the year that Jordan Sparks won.  She beat Blake.  And I knew she would, but I just liked him so much, I was rooting for him.  He was really cool and different.

I also remember the nurse I had from the UK.  I loved her accent.  So did Tim.  She was the nurse that got Gavin to nurse.  I still owe her a debt of gratitude.  Always will.  She was really kind and patient.  And well, extremely lovely to listen to…

skin to skin time

I decided not to go back to work after G was born so even though B was my first baby, G was the first one I got to spend every waking (and even non awake!!) moment with.

He was adorable from the get-go, born with his signature dimples and once he got the fuzzy hair there was no denying his uber cuteness.  People in public wanted to touch it (and did!) but who could blame them really?

I mean, right!?!  I called it his “hair halo”…

These days Gavin is a spit fire.  And only angelic while sleeping. 😉  We get in to it occasionally, he’s just SO dang stubborn!  And persistent.

But he’s also my snuggler and he really loves to share what he’s up to at school or in gym class or with his Legos, etc.

On Mother’s Day morning he gave a me a grocery list that he colored and attached was a notepad.  He couldn’t quite spit it out and kept telling me that it was for me to write down the things I needed at the store and then I could tear off the sheet and take it with me so I wouldn’t forget the things I needed.  It was so cute.  He was so proud.

And he always is when it comes to art.  He absolutely LOVES to paint, color, glue, cut, etc.

Our neighbor gave him a bird feeder and a pamphlet about all the birds in our area for his birthday and he just had to draw some from the pictures on Sunday night.  And he had to cut them out and of course he wanted to glue them to something.

He’s also my cleanest eater, no lie.  The kid can eat an entire ice cream cone (which he methodically licks) without getting any on the outside of his mouth.

And the boy has got some kinda awesome dance movies.  He loves to stick out his booty and jump and leap and spin.  It’s quite entertaining.  But then, he’s always had some pretty awesome moves (trust me, you really want to go to that link!).

He’s really grown a lot (emotionally and mentally) in Kindergarten this year and just recently he lost his two bottom teeth.  I missed it both times because he lost the first one at school and the second time Daddy pulled it while I was out running errands one evening!  Oh well, there are many more to fall out…

Happy Birthday to my G, my Gav, Gavarini, Gavie Gavster.  I love you so, SO much!

And now, some scenes from his Ninjago (lego) Ninja water slide party! (yes, I’m lumping it all into one post, so sue me!)

The party was great (thankfully the rain stopped that morning ) and yes I did take a few turns on the slide myself once most of our guests had left.  It was VERY fun.  I mean, I did birth the kid, I get to celebrate too.

p.s. cookie cake is THE BOMB!

p.p.s. AWESOME pinata is made by my friend Aracely – Check her out at Whack Pinateria!

well, ONE of the photos is from my phone…


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