Being tired and ready for bed at 9 p.m. is okay.
The days are long but the years are short… and any time in the doctor’s office with kids feels like years AND days.
Chores for kids are a really good idea.
A good-fitting bra is important… and should be off your body no later than that 9 p.m. bedtime. Actually 5 p.m. is good too.
When in doubt, don’t buy, especially when it comes to shoes and lipstick.
Sometimes you take your kid to Disney on Ice because you know THEY will really love it, not because you will. And certainly not because you like paying $7.50 for that souvenir mug of tepid hot chocolate.
Stale popcorn is also very expensive at Disney on Ice.
You can totally do your own pedicure but it’s much more relaxing to have someone else do it.
Exercising is essential but so is eating a bag of kettle corn popcorn occasionally. It’s all about balance.
According to your kids the “good old days” are any of the days that were pre-internet.
Red paint takes 3-4 coats.
Mirrors are kinda dumb, but good for convincing your kids that you have eyes in the back of your head.
Cookies are not dumb at all.
However, laundry is THE dumbest.
The size of your house does not matter but the size of the love inside its walls does (cheesy but true).
Marriage is no piece of cake. But it is worth it to get to taste the anniversary cake.
You are old enough to be the mother of the cute lifeguards at the pool.
Having babies is a big deal but raising them to be adults you admire and respect is a MUCH bigger deal.
The term “low rise” on clothing can be translated to “no buy”.
Mom jeans (my version is jeggings) have their merits.
Eating an entire pint of cookie-dough ice cream on the first day of your period is totally acceptable. And if it isn’t, TOO DAMN BAD!
Your period is the devil.
Being yourself is the best person to want to be, and to actually be.
Drop-off birthday parties are the best.
It’s better to have your husband talk to your pre-teen son about the “hair down there.”
Writing your thoughts down right away is a really good idea because otherwise they could be gone in less than the blink of an eye.
Wrinkles are sneaky.
A good hairdresser is key.
(I may have mentioned that one before).
Quality time spent really listening to your loved ones is priceless.
40 is just a number.
As far as the title of this post goes, I just want y’all to know it took a few shoes purchases from the GAP for me to realize this. Apparently I am not a quick study. Or I had hopes that they would eventually get it right, but every pair of shoes I have bought from there have pretty much been crap. I like their other stuff. It’s just not a “shoe store”, you know? They do a good job with jeans however…
P.S. Old School Blogging is going on RIGHT NOW! So link up!
I have been tempted by Gap shoes, but now I will think of this post every time and NOT BUY THEM

angela recently posted…Sweet Silver Bells, Part 12
Don’t do it.
They are cute but they do not last for very long. So you know, if you like “disposable” shoes…
Oh yes yes yes. I can attest to each of these. Oh those GAP shoes. I bought several pairs in high school and college…they were always so cute but SO uncomfortable and fell apart so quickly.
I am knocking on 40’s door. So grateful for my “older and wiser” friends who are telling me it’s okay
Kim recently posted…The one about schooling
You’re like 30, right? Geez, please!
I didn’t even know the Gap had shoes?!
Cheri @ Overactive Blogger recently posted…“Yoga Porn”
Yeah, usually like flip flops or flats. And the GAP kids has them too. My daughter still missed her “Kitty” shoes that only lasted a couple of weeks.
You make 40 look gorgeous.
(Payless is still my favorite; ) )
Thank you, Darling! I like Payless too!
Cookies are never dumb….now did you freeze part of your wedding cake? Someone told us to freeze the top of our wedding cake because we had to thaw it and eat it on our anniversary. Because we were dumb we did…and it was horrible.
I am so happy that we have a boy because I don’t have to do all the “down there” talks. Score!
Confession: I don’t like the gap. Not that I don’t like it on other people. I just don’t like their clothes on me. Plus, they don’t sell shoes at my Canadian gap…I guess we aren’t missing out eh?
You are maaahhhhvelous my dear xoxo
Kimberly recently posted…His Heart
We did freeze it, after my SIL wrapped it like 5 times TIGHT in plastic wrap and aluminum foil. I kid you not, it tasted JUST like it did on our wedding day and we ate it ALL!! I’m so sorry yours did not turn out as well. I believe it was all in how she wrapped it up for us… because we too were skeptical! ;D
Thank you! xo
I love this list and cosign every word!
Thanks, Renee!
I love this post so much and I totally agree about Gap shoes. I stay away from buying shoes other than in shoe stores. Lesson learned! I will be closer to 40 than 30 with my upcoming birthday… Getting there but not too worried about it. Ask me again in a few years!

Susi recently posted…Old School Blogging – Randomness
No reason to worry, you look great and like I said, it’s just a number.
Laughing and nodding. xo
You are adorable.

Lady Jennie recently posted…How to Sew Pointe Shoes
Forty is just a number. And I can firmly attest that 41 and 42 are, too.

Love, love this list.
Kim recently posted…Master of Procrastination
Ha Kim. It’s just… why does the number have to keep going up?
Totally agree on the GAP shoes. I bought a pair of really cute Converse-type shoes and they are the most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever owned.
Leigh Ann recently posted…aaaahhhhh, spring has sprung and other weekend adventures
I don’t think you’re supposed to be able to walk in them. ;-p
Amen to “low rise” anything. I’m totally over that and have accepted that it’s just not happening

Love this post, my friend!
Kerstin recently posted…How to stay sane when you’re trying to do it all
Yeah, I’m not a fan of having to pull my pants up every 5 seconds.
Thank you!!
Something about the title of this post drew me right in—because it’s totally true. This is *such* a great list. Glad I stopped by.
Dina recently posted…Yoga Dropout
I’m glad you stopped by too, Dina, thanks!
I’m turning 40 this year and found myself nodding along and shouting out YAS! a few times. Especially about being yourself. Why did it take us so long to figure that one out?
Love this list.
Colleen recently posted…Forgiving is Hard Until it Isn’t
I have no idea. 1975 was an awesome year to be born, YAS?
I love my 40’s and I love this list and The Gap does make crappy shoes. Great title, by the way!
Tonya recently posted…Miracle Fish
This is all so true! I am a year ahead of you and had a year of learning a big lesson the hard way. The wisdom we gain as we age is priceless.
Kami recently posted…I know
It is so true. Why is youth wasted on the young? How awesome would it be if we could be young AND wise at the same time…?
P.S. How are you?
I can’t buy shoes at a lot of places because my feet are too small. At least I’m not missing out on much! You’ve learned some good lessons in these first 40 years!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…My Kitchen View
Rabia, what size do you wear? Just curious. I have learned a few things…
Wait, kettle corn isn’t healthy?
“When in doubt, don’t buy, especially when it comes to shoes and lipstick.” That might be my favorite. I’m 34 but I learned this through parenting and having no money. I used to just buy it all. Now I wait a day and see if I even think about it again. Usually not.
Cookies are the least dumbest!
Tamara recently posted…Taking Care of Business.
My Mom taught me that one. She used to always say it when I was trying on clothes. I think it’s okay to return clothes sometimes but not those other two things….
Age is nothing but a number….YOU get to choose which one to act like. 40 is nothing…wait till you climb over 50 and approaching 60
Cookies are not dumb they are ESSENTIAL to writers block and stormy moments.
My philosophy of all time is Be True to Yourself….Its too hard to copy and be someone else…when being yourself you dont have to remember how to act…you just DO.
Happy Approaching 40..the New Fun AGE!!
I really like that philosophy, Donna!
I will be 38 in June and I love that last line I think the best, “40 is a just number” and sticking with that now!

Janine Huldie recently posted…Why I Am Happy My Daughter Wants to Be Cinderella
I’m definitely sticking with it – LOL!
Cookies, or ANY kind of baked goods, IS never, ever dumb.
Love this, Elaine!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Red
Thanks Alison! Wishing we could have cookies together someday…
I love this! Especially the part about being yourself is the best thing you can do. I related to most of this list.
Thank you Nicole!
“low rise” = “no buy” – snort-giggle-worthy truth
Lollie – The Fortuitous Housewife recently posted…Mandala Monday
Amazing! I should take notes. But really, I have figured a few of these out already. Like how laundry is totally dumb.
Laura recently posted…An Unlikely Loneliness
You are a wise woman Laura, despite your much younger than me years. xo
Very wise insights and couldn’t agree more. Wrinkles ARE sneaky aren’t they? They just pop on thinking you won’t notice.
Loved this and PERFECT motto for low rise. So true.
Nina recently posted…Couple Friends, Childhood Friends, and The Mid
No such thing as too much ice cream, cake or chocolate. or wine!
Cookies and ice cream are never dumb. GAP shoes however – yes! They are the worst! Cute but the worst. Loved this post and it made me smile.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Java Chocolate Chip Healthy Bites Recipe
I know! They are so cute so I want to buy them but it’s just such a bad idea every time! gah!
Thanks Christine! You made ME smile.
Yes, yes, yes, yes…I could go on and on. Lots of good truths in this post. And now I want to go get some cookie dough ice cream. Or chunky monkey. Or mint chocolate cookie. (would it be bad to get all three?)
Leslie recently posted…50 Non-Food Easter Basket Gifts
No, it would not be bad. Make a sundae while you’re at it.
I totally agree—cute shoes but not quality or usually comfortable. 40—I thought you were 29?
Natalie, you win best comment on this post!
I have my own favorite phrase about being 40, “The filter between my brain and mouth began to disappear, and I am perfectly fine with that.” : )
When painting something red, use gray primer first.
And yes, nowadays, periods are indeed the devil and on that note, soy ANYTHING is not your friend! Starbucks finally gets this. Their marketing personnel must be perimenopausal too.
Really enjoy your work. Thanks for your poignant blogs.
I’m 43 now, I don’t even remember my 40th birthday….. probably because I was chasing a 2.5 year old around the house. Yup, just a number! LOL
All of these are perfect truths! Love Gap clothes…steering clear of the shoes. Thank you.
Jennifer recently posted…Beauty in Life
The 40s are truly awesome. It gets better and better! xo
Kristin Shaw recently posted…Friday Favorites: February 28, 2015
That lifeguard thing made me very sad.
Vikki recently posted…Where Are The Words?
Oh my gosh laundry is THE dumbest! Love everything in this post!
Jess recently posted…Crossing the Midline, the benefits of lateralisation
I am a huge fan of stretchy jeans these days. And leggings and tunic tops. And I have to write things down quickly too. Half the time I start a sentence, my brain starts working on something else and then I move on to a different topic. Drives my husband crazy! Loved this post!
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…7 Ways to Rock Your Disney Princess Race Experience
Thanks, Michelle! Yes, drives my husband batty too. And leggings are awesome!
I love this, Elaine. So perfect. Very good words of wisdom.

Forty is sneaking up on me too. Birthdays usually don’t bother me (it is just a number) but there is something bizarre about turning 40, isn’t there? A little crazy. Good thing 40 is the new 30.
Kat recently posted…The Big One
I think it’s because when we were kids 40 sounded “old”, you know? I’m not even sure why but it did! ha!
Thank you, friend!
I think the Gap is having an identity crisis. The closed several stores in our area.
Pam recently posted…KRUPS Egg Cooker with Water Level Indicator – Love It!