Have you ever had one little thing just make your day? Or even your week?
This happened to me over the weekend.
Let me back up a little…
I like old stuff. And furniture. Therefore, I like old furniture.
I grew up with parents who decorated… um how shall we say… ?
And for the most part, so do I.
My father likes old stuff and is the “king” of reusing things and making other people’s junk his treasure. And well, I inherited a little bit of this gene. You know, like the Step One rocking fish I picked up on my neighbor’s curb a couple of years back – she had put it out for the t.r.a.s.h. but besides a little color fading it was fine! (it’s called a 10-finger discount, but legally…). Shhhh, don’t tell anyone.
He’s also good with refurbishing and even building furniture. We have one piece from each of my Grandparents’ homes that he refinished, including an old dresser (that was actually my Great-Grandparents’) and a clothing armoire.
He also built me a curio-type cabinet ala “Pottery Barn” for my 30th birthday that I absolutely love.
So where am I going with all of this?
Well, over the weekend I asked Tim if I could go “junk” shopping for a bit. I needed a little ‘fix’, you know?
I went down to this old warehouse that has antiques and all kinds of fun stuff. I was just looking for whatever, but any time I’ve done this type of shopping in the last year, I’ve been keeping an eye out for one thing. A dresser for Tim’s clothes.
And after about 30 minutes of just browsing and seeing all kinds of cute things, I walked by IT and knew in an instant that I’d found the newest member of our furniture family. I don’t know how the dresser felt but for me it was totally love at first sight. I mean my heart started beating faster when I saw the awesome price (and beautiful Cabriolet style legs *sigh*).
It’s mahagony and in fabulous condition. I called Tim and told him I’d found it. I’m pretty sure he could tell by the tone in my voice that it was coming home to live with us no matter what.
And so about 20 minutes later in was in our house (the gentleman who owns the store delivered it on the spot).
Adoption complete.
I believe I walked by it last night and whispered, “You complete me.”
And I’m guessing my Dad is pretty proud…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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