Categories: boysFamilyGodHolidays

Thank You God For…

The boys and I pray together almost every night. Sometimes Tim does it instead but I’m pretty sure he’s not quite as thorough as I am so I like to do it myself. Plus it’s my snuggle time with my boys and I get to hear what they are thankful for each day.

We begin by thanking God for the myriad of good things in our life and then we pray for certain things and those in need.

Last night I asked the boys what they were thankful for, as I always do, and after they replied (Little G for Mama and Katie – AWWWWW! and The B Man for “Hamsty” his hamster) The B Man broke out with this little nugget of wisdom,

“I bet if you thanked Jesus for something it would be for chocolate!”

Does my child know me or what???

The recipes for these Christmas-y treats can be found at Beth’s blog*. She’s been my holiday candy/cookie guide this year. And I thank God for good bloggie friends like her (you know, the ones who help “feed” my habit).

*(oh except I did add a layer of semi-sweet chocolate to the bottom of the peppermint bark because that’s just WHO I AM.)


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