I had a bad day yesterday.
A little background would be good, right?
Something that hasn’t been in my life for almost 2 years came back Wednesday night. Let’s just say between being pregnant for 9 + months and nursing for 13 now, “this” just hadn’t returned. Until now. And it’s here with a vengence. I was not happy to have to find that box of female parephenalia in my cabinet. I haven’t missed it one bit.
The day started out fine. The B Man is in VBS this week and he’s loving it. I dropped him off and Little G and I came back home for a few hours of down time, which we had.
When I picked Ben up I decided that we would go out and grab some lunch since I was NOT in the mood to hunt anything out at home and well let’s face it, the microwave needs a break every now and again, right?
So, we headed for Chick-Fil-A where we had a nice lunch until…
Until I requested that The B Man leave his sandals on while playing inside the play area. I just didn’t want him barefoot in there. He didn’t understand my reasoning and I didn’t understand why he didn’t. LONG and painful story short – after he launched into quite possibly the biggest public fit EVER… I had to take both of my kids out of there, one screaming the other crying. Not pretty folks, not pretty at all.
And of course a neighbor of ours had to be in there with his daughter and witness the entire scene. And let me tell you, it was a sight to see and HEAR.
I was embarassed and quite frankly my feelings were hurt. Part of the reason we were out to eat in the first place was because The B Man has been really good lately. The day before yesterday he cleaned up the toys in every room where there are some, without even being told. Lately he’s been so good with his brother and listening so well too.
But yesterday at that moment in time, all bets were off. I don’t know, maybe he could sense that I was a little “off.” Whatever it was that set him off, I really don’t know. I came home and cried a lot and called Tim and like the knight in shining armor he is, he came home early and let me sleep it off, well as much as I could anyway. I had forgotten how much hormones can mess with you. Haven’t missed them either.
The B Man and I ended the day with prayers and hugs and kisses as usual, but I do have to say that I am darn glad yesterday is over. Here’s to a better one today. : )
Bless your heart, Miss Elaine. I had a similar experience after I weaned my youngest, Witt, who is only 18 months younger than his brother. Whew… talk about coming back with a vengeance. I hadn’t missed my “friend” either.
We’ve also been having trouble with our 5 year old… as you know… I think it’s just the age. He’s doing exactly what you described – obedience and pure melt-down. I think he’s hormonal, too! LOL! Let’s hang in there together! (Too bad they can’t have a virtual Thomas the Train playdate – I think they’d keep each other well occupied!)
As for feminine paraphernalia, have you ever tried the Diva cup? I know you weren’t asking for suggestions, so forgive my two cents, but I LOVE it! It makes that monthly issue an almost non-issue… seriously. If you’d like to read my thoughts on it:
Again, please forgive my added (un-asked for) two cents.
Have a better day today and a great weekend!
Mine came back with Spanky at 19 months. I was just as upset as you
I hope today is way better!
So sorry your “friend” came back, but I have to say I am jealous. I have been nursing my little guy and mine sort of came back when he was 10-11 months old. Since that time I had a procedure to help try to keep my friend under control. A perk after a few months I may not have one again for a long time!
BTW – your son is SO normal it isn’t funny. I am telling you it is the time of year when kids 4+ do this type of thing. Will that make you feel any better? No, probably not, but at least you know you are not alone. We have been having “fun” here with our almost 5 year old. Good luck.
Not having that is one of my favorite things about being pregnant and nursing!!!
lol Sorry you’re miserable.
Ugh. I think it’s in the air. I am about ready to sell Adam on the black market! We have been very busy this week (zoo, park, storytime, more park…) and yet he is going crazy! I seriously think it’s in the air!
Seriously, you deserve a much better day today!
Hopefully, you start feeling better today, too!
Aunt Flo showed up for me, as well, but I’m still not sure if it was REALLY Aunt Flo, or if it was just two days of light spotting or something. Whatever it was, I didn’t appreciate it.
Girrrl, I’ve so been there. My hus would likely tell me to suck it up though, you are very lucky.
Best wishes
you poor thing! it sounds like a horrible day… I hope the rest of the week fairs better for you!
I know this will sound very strange but I am so JEALOUS! You didn’t get your friend for 13 months?
I had 4 max with both boys and I breast fed exclusively. Maybe that’s why it came back with vengence, it’s making up for lost time.
Kids go through these periods where they explode, hang in there, it will pass! Well mostly anyway….
Hope today is much, much better!
oh what a day… hope today is better.
You poor thing… i hate days like that. When it seems like your kids have been abducted and you have no idea who the aliens are you have
We have all been there, what a sweet hubby to come home and rescue you!
The biggest public fit ever?? I don’t know, I think N could give B a run for his money…we’ve had some doozies. And she’s only TWO!! I hope today is a thouand times better. Are you still sure about meeting at Chick-Fil-A? Haha!
But I am jelous. J.e.a.l.o.u.s! I only got 2 months before my little monthly visitor came back. And that’s with nursing full time! Not fair!
I think something was in our air. My tyke was a monster yesterday, too. hmmm. Sorry about Flo’s return.
Oh gosh girl!!
I cannot imagine!
I got my period 4 weeks after giving birth both times. No breaks for me and of course this is why Ethan arrived 12 months after Kaitlyn.
I still nurse and must say I was not one of the lucky ones. My mom was though and when I heard her stories of having no period for a few years I was all excited.
I don’t blame you for being bummed! After so long without it I can imagine that the hormones would be overwhelming!
Oh gosh girl!!
I cannot imagine!
I got my period 4 weeks after giving birth both times. No breaks for me and of course this is why Ethan arrived 12 months after Kaitlyn.
I still nurse and must say I was not one of the lucky ones. My mom was though and when I heard her stories of having no period for a few years I was all excited.
I don’t blame you for being bummed! After so long without it I can imagine that the hormones would be overwhelming!
Will some chocolate make it all better?????
Hope today is a better day for everyone!
Tantrums. They happen. And at that age, way too frequently! Hope today was better.
Aww. What a rotten day. I hope today is MUCH better!
Hi Elaine. I tag you.
What a clever name for your blog!!
I have totally done that. Sunday for example. Carrying both girls out of the grocery store w/ a huge belly in between. Girl 1 screaming because she didn’t get to “drive the truck cart”. She was in trouble because she didn’t listen to me in the bathroom. It’s the littlest things I tell ya!
you should still do It’s real life! It’s never too late!
Aw, man. I hear you about the “thing.” We’ve always called it the “curse” in my family. I sure don’t miss that awful hormonal rollercoaster along with its physical pains one bit. But I sure can sympathize. I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Oh, and yeah, makes you wonder if the kids can kind of sense that something is off. I wouldn’t be surprised. But at least you had a stretch of good behavior. That tires them out too so maybe he needed that little breakdown. It’s so hard to be good – don’t I know it!
Hugs to you.
I remember how very bitter I was when my ‘friend’ came back. It just seems deeply unfair.
We all have our days like this though.
Hope tommorow is better.
Oh Elaine, I hope today you are feeling a whole lot better and that The B Man is back to his usual self.
I have done exactly the same thing, taken my 21 month old daughter out for a treat because she’s been so good and then low and behold she has had a massive tantrum. The one where she lies on the floor, kicking (so that her shoes go flying across the shopping centre) screaming and rolling around. This particular tantrum happened a couple of weeks ago when I was eight months pregnant. No joy at all. We’ve been out several times since and (touch wood) I am happy to report we haven’t had any repeat performances!
OH I am so sorry!!
Seriously the emotions are beyond rediculous at this house!
Hang in there, and sorry I missed this post yesterday. I would have invited you to AZ to have some chocolate lava cake with me. Chocolate always seems to help me deal with the yelling, screaming, meltdowns, emotions, etc. In fact, I am pretty sure, chocolate cures all!
Elaine, I didn’t have “it” for so long between 4 pregnancies. nursing etc that I totally forgot about It.
One day I was driving my car and felt “it”. So the first thing I naturally thought was, oh my gosh, I have wet my pants. And I didn’t even think I needed to go! Is this how my life is gonna be now? I will just be driving and then, boom, wet my pants?? Out of the blue? Do I need Depends? Is there some operation I can have for this??
Then I got to my destination and went to the bathroom and, duh. “It”.