Ok, so even though I love staying home with my kiddos, sometimes I really look forward to the weekend. I mean lets face it, us SAHMs are working too and it’s nice to have a helping hand on the weekend or even to be able to go out for a little while by yourself while hubby holds down the fort. Can I get and “Amen” to that? I really don’t know how single parents do it. I mean REALLY.
Here’s some stuff that has gone on in the past week:
We’ve made some plans for our kitchen to be re-done. We’ve picked out everything but the backsplash and a new faucet (I can’t believe how excited you can get over just picking out a new faucet – what’s up with that?). We will choose the rest this weekend and hopefully be able to actually get it done in early April. WOO HOO!
After 2 Easter parties in the last week The B Man is ALL ABOUT re-hiding and hunting all of the eggs that he has acquired – in our living room. He has full inventory of what specific candy is inside EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Needless to say, we predict that this Halloween we will NOT get away with making his candy look like less that it actually is (a.k.a eating a lot of it ourselves ! ; ))
Speaking of Easter, I am getting quite excited to go to Austin for the holiday weekend. My whole family is there and we haven’t been there since Thanksgiving. My mother and I have sort of started a tradition of making an Easter cake but I don’t have any great ideas this year – do you?
Last year I made this.
I have made the invitations for The B Man’s birthday party and got some other supplies. Now I just need to mail them. I can’t believe my first baby is going to be 4 in about 3 weeks.
In bloggy world, I won a giveaway earlier this week. I won a Southern Living at Home candle hurricane from Becky at Boys Rule My Life. Now this isn’t just ANY giveaway – it’s a Pay it Forward giveaway. So… I have to find something to give away myself. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to win, so I will have to come up with something. This means you have to come back next week and see what I will be giving away.
I’ve had a great time at the Ultimate Blog Party 2008 this week. I made it to #300 chronologically and then just had to jump around to some after that. I DID NOT comment on every one I visited (geez how could you?) but I did find some really cool new blogs.
This weekend I am having dinner with some girlfriends and am very excited to share a drink and some gabbin’ time with some of my gals that I have not seen in a while.
That’s about it for now. Have a great Friday and I will see ya on the flip side!
I agree 100% with your first paragraph!
Easter egg hunts are so much fun and I love your sheep cake from last year. That is so creative.
There’s nothing quite like dinner out with the girls is there? Have fun!
I am going out for a girl’s night this weekend too. After last weekend’s getaway I feel a bit guilty but then I won’t go out for a bit.
Have a great time!
My boys are already getting excited for the Easter egg hunts. Actually me too. Mini-eggs, need I say more?
My kids LOVE Easter hunts. Have fun on your girls night out. Gotta love those!!
I so looked forward to the weekends too! Except this weekend my husband is working, yuck.