Well, it’s a holiday weekend and I think I am gonna take a little “holiday” from the ole blog. You know I love it here (just see yesterday’s post) but after declaring my love for the blogosphere, I feel like I have just been attempting to do too much lately and I just need a little break, you know?
I am gonna try to do some scrapbooking (have I mentioned lately that I need to catch up on this?) and spend some time with the family and just chill. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
So, I will be back probably Monday Tuesday of next week. The B Man has his end of year school performance that day and I will try to remember to take my camera. They are doin’ some Mickey Mouse thing that he is all jazzed about.
I leave you with a cute pic of the boys that I took while Tim was putting up his new office furniture. They were having a blast going inside this cabinet and closing the doors.

Tim thinks Little G needs a haircut before his pics and I need y’all to weigh in on this issue. Now that I look at him in this picture, he does look kinda like and old man who’s trying to compensate for a bald spot coming on by growing it long on the sides… Anyway, I am thinking of taking him today. Let me know what you think.
I hope everyone has a great long weekend and I will “see” you next week.