I haven’t written specifically about K in a while.  I think sometimes I am still amazed that she is mine.  That I have a daughter.

A spunky, bossy, girly-girl that doesn’t take “No” for an answer, princess-loving GIRL.

On any given day her hair is a tangled mess, she has food on her face and she’s playing with anything from her favorite stuffed animals to her brothers’ cast-off dinosaurs.

She fights for what she wants (usually a toy one of her brothers just re-discovered) and she’s pretty fearless, already putting her head under water at the pool like a boss.

When I painted all 20 of  her nails recently she would not stop saying “Thank you, Mommy!”  It was like I had bought her the pony she so desperately wants.  At least for a few minutes anyway.  Of course the fact that much of the polish came off while we were at the pool that afternoon was akin to a natural disaster occurring.

I try so, SO hard to put bows and clips in her hair and she does wear them.  For about 10 minutes.

And I will admit, I buy too many clothes for her.  There are just so many cute things for girls.  Oh and maybe shoes too.  I just discovered a darling little canvas pair I got at Target in the Spring that she has yet to wear.  Oops.  She’s all about nightgowns lately.  I could hardly hear out of my right ear after her squeals of delight when I bought her a pink polk-dotted one with an applique horse. Oh yeah, mother of the year, right here (no, I mean for real!)!

She’s a copy cat.  Like major.  In both actions and speech.  We have to watch her because she is VERY quick to pick up on things such as song lyrics, etc.   And having two older brothers (one approaching tween-dom) is not so great for that… Lately she really likes the word “butt”.  And she occasionally tells me to “chill out”.  (no idea who she got that from…)

Her favorite thing ever to eat is any kind of snack so that is probably why dinner is not really her thing.  I mean it wouldn’t be mine either if I had also eaten one granola bar, a banana and some goldfish around 4p.m.  And yes, I realize this is my fault.  But what can I do, my baby is hungry! 😉

At bedtime we have a routine where I climb in bed with her for a bit and we say prayers and sing a song.  Then she clings to my arm while I kiss her sweet face and brush her hair out of her eyes for the ten thousandth time that day.  When she finally, reluctantly lets go of my arm we blow kisses while I stand by her bedroom door.  And then I say “Goodnight, I love you.”

There are times when she frustrates the snot out of me but for the most part she is the sweetest little blue-eyed girl I have ever known.

And of course my Mama heart tugs in opposite directions both wanting to freeze her in time right now, yet also excited for the days ahead when we can get a pedi together and do lunch where I do not have to cut up her food.

Having a daughter is all kinds of awesome.  And I am thankful every day that I have this amazing little girl for whom I can buy too many shoes…


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