My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last time we went to the library (and he got his own library card) the only book he wanted to check out was one with cookies recipes. He is so my son. Before we had to…
Ten Years A Blogger
Today is my ten-year blog-iversary. Yes, that’s right, TEN years. Hard to believe! I wish I had screen shots of all the old designs. I think I am on the sixth one. At least I have old business cards to document a few of them. Since I started writing here, so many words have come…
I Don’t Even Know What to Call This
I am sitting here watching Tiny House Hunters and wishing this was the last day of the month so I would not have to write anything else if I do not want to. In short, I need a break from #NaBloPoMo (only 2 more days). Back to the show… It cracks me up that these…
Yesterday & Today
Today was a long day. Before we left Austin I ran a Christmas present errand and then I stopped by Starbucks. No big convo about my name this time. It was fun to play Santa for just a bit and a grab a coffee in peace. Then I loaded up the kids and all of…
Be Jealous
I’m going here this weekend so I am going to skip #NaBloPoMo for the weekend. It’s time to relax a little. Y’all can read the other stuff I have already written this month, while I am gone. I am sure you have some catching up to do… (I don’t even know who I…
Make This Place Your Home
On my social media accounts I call myself a Texan at heart. But I cannot lie, Louisiana has a piece of it now too. See the thing is, once you live somewhere for seven plus years and your kids grow up there (here) and you grow attached to the people and the culture the food,…
Butterflies All Around
I’ve seen so many butterflies lately. They fly in front of my van while parked at a light or I see them while waiting to the get the kids at school, walking around the neighborhood with Ollie, or just about anywhere. Beautiful bright yellow ones and orange and black ones. Every time I see one I…
When my brother Larry and I still lived in the same house, back in the late 80’s, early 90’s, we used to sit in the “game room” at my parents’ house with the t.v. on and build jigsaw puzzles together. It probably wasn’t your most usual way to bond but we had a lot of good conversations…
A friend of mine said the other day that she felt “scattered” and I immediately thought, “Me too.” It’s sort of hard for me to focus lately. There are so many things I want to do, with regards to my writing and other goals that I have. But meanwhile… I am in the midst of…
Scars of the Past
His arm has two scars. I sort of know the story of how they came to be but I did not know him then. He fell. He fell years before I did. He has those scars as well as many others that you cannot actually see. Most of mine stay hidden as well. They are tucked…