Snickerdoodle anyone? I made these SWEET morsels late Tuesday night for a MOMS club meeting on Wednesday morning. Thanks to @poobou and @lovingmom2boys for the idea on twitter (I asked what cookie I could make with “regular” ingredients on the fly and they both answered with “snickerdoodles” within seconds of each other – I love twitter.)
We’ve been eating these SWEET “cuties” by the fives or tens a day. The toddler can eat 4-5 himself.
I found this vintage Santa planter at an antique shop several years ago and it’s never held a plant on my watch. Just SWEET candy canes…
OH! And whose hand is that reaching into the SWEET and yummy “puppy chow”? I’ll never tell…
Also? It would be really SWEET of someone to come address and mail all of these Christmas cards for me. Any takers? I pay in wine and chocolate. And puppy chow.
And finally, no SWEET post would be complete without photos of my SWEET and cute kids, now would it?
There’s more SWEETness at Beth’s place…
I enjoyed each picture of sweetness a little more than the one before! Lovely!
Soooo very sweet! Love those antlers!
Oh, yay! Glad the snickerdoodles worked. I made them as Christmas presents for our neighbors one year. Pretty easy to do, and very cheap. Can’t beat that.
And btw, your kiddies are adorable.
Sweet!!! I love Snickerdoodles, too! Oh, and you need to get your Christmas card list on your computer so you just have to print the labels out… makes it sooo much easier! (and no one really cares if their envelope is addressed by hand or with a label, I’ve come to find out!)
that is alot of cards….I’m cheap, I print 30 and mail to closest, and email the rest…
I love how you tell a story with beautiful pics.
I love snickerdoodles!! Got to be in my top 5 favorite cookies and yours look super yummy! I’d address your cards for some of those!
I made puppy chow this week, too. There isn’t any left, though….
Love all of your captures! And for some reason I feel like making some snickerdoodles!
We made snickerdoodles last night too. Yum. I don’t envy you all the card signing and mailing, but they look like wonderful cards. Isn’t it exciting when that package of cards comes in the mail?!
Oooh I love all these. Especially the cutie. The light is awesome. Oh and the kidlets. SO CUTE & SWEET! … And holy wow- how many cards do you have?!? wowza
love love love cuties.
Oh, your kids are so cute………..I mean sweet. And those snickerdoodles? LOOK divine!
Those cookies look sooo good!
Whoa, how many cards do you send out?
Mmmm… snickerdoodles. I’d forgotten about those. We’ve been going through the oranges here too – at least we’re being half healthy.
… and your kids are pretty cute! Also, holy WOW that’s a bunch of cards
And I love that second photo.
I am also all about the tangerines every winter. Sometimes you get those absolutely perfectly sweet ones…ah, heaven.
I managed to finish addressing my cards last weekend…such a relief! Hope you get yours done in a stress-free moment
Your kids are super cute!