As I push my adopted cart with one wobbly wheel through the grocery store, I peruse my list and hit up the produce section first. I remind myself that I’ve read you should stay on the perimeter of the store, since the healthiest food is located there. I remind myself of this every time. I load up on different colored peppers and apples and a bag of “cuties”. I toss in bananas, broccoli, even beets (only for me, no one else in the house will touch them), Brussel sprouts (same with these) and a bag of spinach. Our family of five may not eat it all this week but I have high hopes during every shopping trip that we will. I am a produce eating optimist. The glass is half full with kale juice. (That would take a lot of kale).
I round the corner to the meat section and fill the buggy with pork chops and chicken thighs, guaranteed to have no antibiotics or hormones, and some grass feed ground beef. I go over the week’s dinner menu in my head and mentally check off the list that sits in my purse. I snatch some organic deli turkey and a few pounds of bacon. My husband (and the kids and dog) loves bacon! Applewood smoked, even better. The next area is the snack aisle. I loathe the snack aisle, full of tempting cookies and pretzels, crackers, and wafers. I typically skip this section all together because I’ve read the labels and watched the documentaries and we are not supposed to eat any of this stuff. It’s junk and so bad for me and for my kids! I’ve heard it many times.
Most of the things in that aisle have white processed flour, with little to no healthy properties, and contain sugar, lots and lots of sugar. And if it does not have much sugar to begin with, well it has nasty carbohydrates that will eventually convert to sugar in our bodies and make us fat and sick. I ate so much of this stuff when I was a kid and in my head I have to wonder if it is not part of the reason I struggle with my own weight. My mom always had (and still does) packaged cookies around and she made sweets quite a bit when I was growing up. I ate them gladly and without hesitation. To this day I have hard time turning those kinds of things away. It is difficult for me to resist these purchases and I find myself at the store rationalizing the hell out of why one little carton of ice cream or a package of chocolate chip cookies is not going to be the death of me. Or my family. And so I settle for one package of “whole grain” goldfish. That is all I take…
I want to be able to have this stuff without worrying about gaining a pound (or three). It seems I do just by looking at a package of vanilla wafers, that would taste so good in banana pudding. I’ve tried to stop eating these things. I’ve lost weight while on a “low-carb” diet and running quite a bit. When I have done so I have felt better but then the cravings come back with a vengeance and I get so mad that there are people out there who can eat this kind of stuff all the time and do not have two “spare tires” on their tummy like I do. I figure my kids can have a little bit of this stuff, I mean they are kids! They burn off so much energy, right?
But admittedly, it is getting more difficult to ignore the worry and not feel guilty buying it when I see how sick we are as a country. Nasty things like cancers and heart disease and that terrible thing called diabetes. I worry for my children who have some of my same DNA and I know it is a good chance someday they may struggle like I do now. I am trying to teach them that these things are “treats” and not to have them with every meal or even every day. I want them to know they cannot subsist on things made from simple carbs. I need them to know that green things and protein are good but foods with ingredients you cannot pronounce are bad.
However, it is really hard because I enjoy those foods so much myself and I get sad just thinking about not having them. Yes, it’s true – I get sad. Sugar and I have always been besties, so it’s much liking losing a long-time, comforting friend. It’s also probably why I am 25 pounds overweight.
If there is any lesson I hope to teach my children about food it will be that sure, you can have those treats occasionally, for celebrations and the like. However, you need real nutrients the most and in turn those things will taste even better when you do have them, and your body will surely thank you for it in the long run. And that no, a small handful of goldfish will not kill them. But the less of them they eat, the less I will worry for their well being.
Now if only I could teach myself these things too…
I hear ya – and I wonder and worry about our nutrition as well. But then I read yesterday that apples are the fruit with the most pesticides in it…. And where does that leave us? I have no time – or desire – to grow my own food, and even if I did: what makes us all sick is in the air and everywhere else. It just comes with living in a highly industrialized world.
Anyway – sorry for rambling on – I think that balance is key. And not beating ourselves up. That might just be my extra 25 pounds talking, but as long as we are aware and make an effort – that’s the best we can do.
Kerstin Auer recently posted…Recipe for Humble Pie
Kerstin, you know I’ve thought about all this stuff too and it’s kinda depressing.
I agree, making an effort goes a long way. Thanks for your thoughts…
Everything in moderation is my own personal rule and finishing your dinner doesn’t also mean a dessert follows is what we teach our children. It’s so hard and that cookie/cracker/snack aisle is always so tempting!!
That is hard. We are already in the habit of dessert after dinner, but we’re going to make a switch to fruit for the majority of the week. I love sweets, myself!!
Kristin Shaw recently posted…The junk drawer effect
See, I was taught that dessert WAS a nightly thing. SO, yeah…. but no, our kids do not get treats every night. Boy do they wish!
Oh wow. Do I ever get this. I go through these same thoughts all the time. Then I usually give up. At least you stick with it.
Jennifer recently posted…Find Your Joy, Happy Mama Movement
I have stages where I do not stick with it as well as I think I do, but I guess we do alright. I have a friend who somehow avoids all this stuff, even for her kids and I honestly do not know how she does it.
I have a hard time with extreme diets, and diets that deprive one of many things, things that are prevalent in almost everything we eat. The most I can do, is to eat everything in moderation (except for vegetables, you can eat as much as you like!). As for my kids, we are having a hard time giving them only “what’s good for them”- it’s eat this or starve, and I really don’t want to starve them. Sigh.
Alison recently posted…The Mother I Am
Yeah, no starving allowed…
I feel ya there, Alison, for sure. Especially with K. She’s my pickiest eater by far and “snacks” are her favorite things EVER.
I go through phases where I can resist the crackers and snacks (Pirate Booty and pita chips are my weakness!), and then I go through phases where I eat them by the handful and don’t watch my portions at meals or listen to my body concerning hunger and satisfaction. The phases usually line up with how much I’m exercising. When I’m running more, I’m more likely to eat better. I guess my body craves the nutrients.
Leigh Ann recently posted…some stuff: USE YOUR WORDS edition
Mmmm. pita chips. Put some hummus on those babies and you’re in business!
I am ramping up my running now so I hope your theory works for me too.
I worked at weight loss camp for a while – you’re not the only one who feels that way about sugar, but stay strong! I promise you, one day, that stuff won’t taste good anymore, and you will crave that good-for-you stuff!
Cheri @ Overactive Blogger recently posted…Coffee Date
I occasionally do crave the good-for-me stuff but I still usually want the bad too… Trying to stay strong every day.
Thanks, Cheri!
I relate, so much, from the buying of the produce to the struggle to get them to understand treats are for occasional eating — without making them some OMG FORBIDDEN thing. Food is hard, as a mom and as a person.
angela recently posted…Random bits and pieces
Love that last line of yours, Angela. SO TRUE!!
Yes! I have a love/hate relationship with food. I love to eat it, but I don’t love the weight it causes. Add in picky kids and all the “eat this, don’t eat that” rules and it gets very frustrating. Like you said, I want to be able to just eat what I want to eat without worrying about it. Unfortunately, it just won’t work that way.
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Dear Daughters, I Remember
Super unfortunately!
I also have a love/hate with it, Lisa. But you probably gathered that. ha!
I totally get this. I come from people that make a cake for every occasion, sad or happy. I just made a cake to celebrate our new puppy. What???? It’s hard to make all these healthy choices for ourselves and teach our children. I have no answers or advice, only an “I hear ya sister!”
Angela@JumpingWithMyFingersCrossed recently posted…Rufus Whistle
I think getting a puppy is a PERFECT reason to make cake! I mean, of course, let’s celebrate! See, I have issues… LOL.
(FTR, I really believe that and am kinda sad I did not make a cake when we got OUR puppy!!)
This is so timely – Will just watched some Alton Brown show on the food network and now he wants to cut back on sugars and has already increased healthy foods dramatically. I’m really excited to see him doing these things on his own. On the other hand, a handful of goldfish, even every day, is not going to hurt them, overall.
Go girl! x o
Kristin Shaw recently posted…The junk drawer effect
What about cheese puffs?
Good for Will! Tim and I both go through these phases, I just wish we could permanently change our lifestyle (because it affects our bodies so much). But it is SO. HARD.
If it makes you feel any better, dear friend, we hardly had any junk food in our house growing up, and I still struggle with weight and still want to eat allthejunk.
Lady Jennie recently posted…The Viscount – Chapter Twenty
It doesn’t really but that is interesting information, Jennie. xo
This is so, so important — I’ve been thinking a lot about this, too! “How sick we are as a country.” Ugh.
Galit Breen recently posted…The Three Words That Will Save Your Relationship With Your Tween
It seriously stresses me out… Ugh is right.
Yep, yep, yep. I worry about this all the time. There are so many chemicals and artificial food in our food that we, as a nation, are getting sicker and sicker. I wonder what is wrong with our country that we are one of the only developed countries in the world that allows such chemicals to be put in our foods. It is INSANE. It has got to stop. And it is so stressful attempting to grocery shop. Just when I think I’ve found a really yummy and healthy whole wheat bread I hear that the wheat may be from a GMO and then I have to start the search all over again.
Kids are really good at wanting to do the right thing. I’ve talked to my kids about all the junk in processed foods and they think it is gross too. However, they are still kids. And I struggle with “banning” the stuff from them altogether because that only makes it more attractive sometimes, ya know?
Eating healthy foods should NOT be this difficult. But it is.
Kat recently posted…Wise Decision
I think what is wrong with us is that we are all about the almighty $$ and a lot of people have paid A LOT of other people off to make this junk legal. All you have to do is look at Aspartame. It was denied 15 times by the FDA until someone paid someone else off. And now it is in SO many things. It makes me want to vomit.
I think about this too. I have struggled with my weight and want my children to have a healthy respect for food – both healthy food and treats. I want them to have some treats so that they don’t overindulge, but sometimes – especially around special occasions – treats become a regular thing. It is so hard to find the balance.
Kim recently posted…6 Stages of Dealing With a Bad Photo
I made my kids get rid of most of their Halloween candy this year because of that special occasion thing you mentioned. They will thank me someday, right?!?
Shipping has become tough on us moms, trying to feed our families well – so many things to keep an eye out for, so many hidden dangers, chemicals & poison in our food these days. But nothing is as troubling as the snack isles – virtually no healthy options for the little ones. It’s sad and disheartening at the same time.
Joanna Ciolek recently posted…My Word For 2015: WELLth
Yep, we pretty much have to stick to veggies, fruits and the occasional yogurt, smoothie or cheese stick around here. Also nuts, if they will eat them. I try, but man, sometimes they really want those goldfish.
(just like me!)
It is tough, thanks for chiming in, Joanna!
I think this is the struggle that most parents have when it comes to food and nutrition. I, too, grew up in a household with plenty of processed snack options. My struggle started well before my tenth birthday, and continues to this day. A handful of goldfish won’t hurt your kids, and buy just buying less of the stuff, I’m sure you’re helping to teach them the proper lessons in balance!
Leslie recently posted…{Exercise Roadblocks} Permanent Injuries
I think I do do pretty well with the balance but man, it is SO hard!! Thanks for your input, Leslie!
I am not going to lie and admit I am the worst at this as I love sweets and got lucky with my older daughter who is not a picky eater and will eat lots of fruits and veggies with no fight at all. But my younger daughter, on the other hand, as Alison stated above would sooner starve then eat anything healthy. So, my daily battles are just making sure at this point she is eating and definitely not starving either.
Janine Huldie recently posted…This Is The Time To Remember
My daughter is the same way as your younger one, although mine does eat quite a bit of fruit (which I consider somewhat healthy!). And yes, they cannot starve so… it’s so tough!
It’s such a tough balance.We rotate dessert one night, fruit one night, and then nothing after dinner. That way we aren’t all addicted to sweets at night! Nice to meet you!
Kristen recently posted…Homemade Valentine’s Playdough
That’s a really great idea Kristen! I should implement that…
Nice to meet you too! I just visited your place as well.
Yes, I often buy a ton of fruits and vegetables with high hopes and ambitions, only for most of it to “ripen” in our fridge to be later thrown away. I really need to do better about this myself.
Emmy recently posted…Friday Five: Monday Holidays and Sleeping on the Couch
Living near the border, we take advantage of shopping in the US because your food is cheaper. What shocks me is the meat and how it’s injected with stuff so that it’s juicy (in my city our chicken or pork is just chicken or pork)and how huge the selection of junk food is. I want to plan grocery day in the US when I’m PMSing. oh god and the cereal?! You can shrink anything, roll it into a ball and call it cereal. Reese’s cereal? What?
Kimberly recently posted…How Beautiful It Is
I find myself more and more disturbed by our food every day. It’s weird. I grew up with health nut parents but we were told different things back then. I had a lifelong love affair with processed food and sugar. It’s hard to get more distance. Baby steps.
Tamara recently posted…A Post From a Beach House.
I try to buy healthy stuff for my kids too, but every once in a while I slip. And by slip, I mean eat the whole jumbo box of Goldfish in one week. Sorry, but those things are yummy!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Puberty is Fun! Right?!!