The summer vacation was pretty much a given in my family while I was growing up. Every year Daddy would take a week or so off from work and we would drive somewhere, whether it be Colorado, California or even the Texas coast. My parents would load up the truck and camper with all the neccessities and we would be on our way, down the open road.

I am guessing my brother Chris took this one since he is the only one not in the picture. I have absolutely no idea where we are, but I was only 2-ish so give me a break. I love my Mom’s handbag in this one. Hmm, I wonder if she still has it…. Oh and check out Daddy’s famous “burns.” Where’s a razor when you need one?
This was on our way down to another trip to “the coast,” as we always called it. The drive from Austin down there is BOR-ING so fields full of cotton became quite interesting. This was taken during my chubby but tan days. Loving the mullet – aren’t you?
Here are my parents at Disneyland in 1987. I love how happy and carefree they look. We had a great time on this trip, in which some of us drove (mom, dad, my oldest brother Steve) and my other two brothers, Larry & Chris flew in. We were all together again for vacation. Even Steve’s then “girlfriend,” who is now his wife of almost 20 years, flew in for a couple of days!
Same trip – I took this picture of Larry, Dad, Mom and Steve in front of the beautiful Golden Gate bridge. Golly I love to visit California! And yes, the bridge is gorgeous but those clothes – WOAH! Check out Steve’s rockin’ bandana (I will be lucky if he ever speaks to me again after this post, won’t I?) Love you Steve!
Here I am in the rain on our trip to Washington D.C. in 1990. It was just Mom and Dad and I that trip and it rained A LOT. I think this is somewhere in Tennesse, on the way there. Yeah, uh… this was the trip where we had to illegally park by the Smithsonian so my father could run back in to see “Archie Bunker’s” recliner. Oh and Mom and I thought The Mall in D.C. was a shopping center and we were just a little disappointed to find out it was something else entirely. What can we say, we like to shop.
So there are some highlights from my family Summer vacations (this could go on forever, but most of the pics are still at my parent’s house). I only hope that Tim and I can provide such great memories for our kids, as we venture out with them each summer. Where are we going this year you may ask? I don’t know yet. Can you believe it? Hopefully somewhere in August.
Now it’s your turn to share your summer vacation stories. Can’t wait to hear about them and see some pics!
**Okay, so no Mr. Linky today. I may still try to do it tomorrow but I can’t even seem to get started on their site. Bummer. So, if you post about your summer vacations this week PLEASE leave your link in the comments! Have Fun!**
I LOVE all the vacation pics! It’s very cool that your family was able to enjoy so many great vacations together, and that you have the photos to go with them.
What great photos! I love the Washington DC one! GREAT poncho!!
Is it bad that I am such a sucker for old family pics? I swear I have a few just like those. Just insert my family (and you can’t forget those knee socks!).
These are all great stories to have documented. The pictures are too funny.
I will have to see about digging up some old family pics myself.
If I get a second I’m going to write up a story for tomorrow. I love this idea!
Such fabulous pictures! I love your dad’s sideburns! And the knee socks! And your cute little outfit in the 2nd pic! So sweet!
Ahhh, the good ole days!
What great stories to tell!
How cute were you in that darling little favorite swimsuit!? I loved the story of grandma praying all the way down the mountain – HA!! Thanks for sharing your story – so fun!
Take care – Kellan
PS – where do you live in TX?
Your little blonde hair is just so adorable!
Love those family pics, and boy your families did a lot of traveling! What a great post idea!
Hmmm, wonder what I can come up with………….
What a fun idea and funs photos. I loved taking the (visual) trips with you guys!
love love love all the classic family pictures!!
what great fun and treasured memories!
I got a kick out of your grandma praying on the mountain.
Great vacation pics and it’s awesome that you got to have those experiences with your family. Makes good memories!
Sounds like you had a really fun childhood!
I loved all those pics and the stories
omg I totally was JUST working on a summer vacation/memories post when I logged on and read yours! I’ll let you know when it’s up and ready, I want to dig out some of my old pics too
okay, i am loving all of the old pics! i wish i had the patience and the time to teach my mom to scan and email pictures to me. next time i am at her house i am going to be very busy doing some scanning while the kids play with thier grandparents!
I love that you thought the Mall was a mall. That’s priceless. And, it’s okay that you put the pictures of your brothes in their 80s garb. I have many a picture of the tar beaches, too.
What fun stories! I so wish boys still wore those knee socks. I love them with a passion.
I wish I had some old family albums here to share!
Since my extended family lived all across the country, we hever took any traditional vacations, whenever we could get away it was to visit our family. My mom always drove the entire time, since dad hates to drive (now it’s the opposite – I’m the one that hates to drive).
We actually had a very similar experience with brakes, except ours was in the mountains of TN. They went out literally just in time to coast into a gas station at the bottom of a mountain. Whoa. I have the same feelings as you about making it out of that alive. Thank God!
It might have been on the same trip that we saw some Mama and baby bear cubs along the side of the road, and Dad told mom to stop the car so he could get out and see them and feed them our bologna sandwiches. Great idea, dad.
I just put my post up.
Those photos look an awful lot like mine! And your mullet looked an awful lot like mine!
Ah, that was fun. ESPECIALLY the knee socks! And to think they’ll likely come back in style someday!
I absolutely love looking at old photos. I have so many from the 70s with the same awesome fashion and hair statements!
Great post!
Some of my favorite memories are of family vacations–we used to love monday night slide shows of our vacation photos.
Awesome photos and memories. Wow. I have to beg some old pics off of my mom one of these days, I want to scan everything in!
I loved this Elaine! It reminds me of all the camping trips we took when I was a kid… we went to Alaska the year I was 5. Only my family would go North in the summer! It was beautiful though so I guess my parents knew what they were doing…can you tell I said that begrudgingly?
What a bunch of cool photos! We have some similar looking ones of our family at the Jersey Shore, Baltimore and Niagra Falls — Knee socks and all!
it took me forever, but i finally got it up! here’s the link and thanks for hosting
I believe Amanda accidentally posted to my post above. Here’s the link to hers! ENJOY!
Thanks for participating Amanda!
oops! I DID didn’t i!?! that was probably left over in my copy from when I link YOU on the post hehe
thanks for fixing it for me!
Wow – great photos, what a cool post, I totally enjoyed reading it!!
I was laughing with the “how about a family photo in the middle of the highway” shot!
And I can see how you would LOVE that bathing suit…tres chic, baby!!!
Happy POW!