I am going to admit right here, right now that not setting my phone alarm for 6:45 every morning has been glorious.  Summer is awesome for that.

Did you know that I am not much of a morning person?  Ask Tim, he’ll tell you.  With fervor. 😉

He seems to be a morning AND night person (how that works out I do not know) so he just dosen’t understand.

Anyway, this means I like love to sleep in.  But with three kids, of course I get woken up around uh… 7 to 7:30 while they are home for the summer. But you know, that extra half hour or so can make a big difference.

At least for me.

This guy has pretty much quit climbing into bed with us (knock on wood).

We are all home together, doing things like playing UNO (he still lets us see his cards).

And lots of Minecraft (please go read this post by Heather, this is my life).

We leave for our family vacation next week.  I cannot wait to show my kids another country.  Landscapes like they have NEVER seen in their lives before.

We haven’t been outside much lately because it’s either been too hot or raining or the mosquitoes are out for blood.  Literally.

I am ready for a new adventure.  I am ready for break from this house.

Do you ever feel that way?  Like you just want to GO somewhere?  And then when you KNOW you are going to go soon you start getting that “itch” so bad?

Yeah, that’s where I am right now.

*scratch, scratch*

Best start packing soon…

Also linking up with Mommy & Me


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