I can already see the syrupy popsicle, dripping down my middle child’s chin. I can see my little girl’s goggled-face smile as she comes up from under the water and my oldest’s feet coming before him on the slide at the pool. His BIG feet.
My kids are stoked for summer, as am I.
Last year I wrote a tongue-in-cheekish post about my kids being out of school for the summer. This year everyone is a year older, including me.
I’ve learned a few things and of course, each summer is different depending on camp schedules, vacations and even what is expected of my children when they arrive back in the classroom in about 10 weeks.
This year however, I have vowed (to myself) to unplug more. So, this will be my last post until August since I plan to be doing a lot of this.
Oh my gosh, you guys didn’t believe that, did you? Yeah, me neither.
Anyway, in an effort to ACTUALLY get out more, and keep the screen time on the DL* this summer, I have comprised a list of things to do, plus I’m taking tips from this post from Hand Free Mama.
Here is the list of things I hope to do, some I know we will do…
Go to the “paint your own pottery” place and have everyone paint something, without breaking it.
Swim at the pool A LOT. Which includes actual laps for me, when possible.
Spend time reading, every day for 30 minutes (at least), except while on family vacation. Unless we want to.
Have kiddos help me cook and/or bake. Even have them come up with some of the ideas of what to cook or bake.
Have the small people do more chores that don’t really feel like chores. Not sure how I am going to work this one out yet.
Go to the kid summer movies. We have yet to do this and I really want to make it at least once.
Hit up our favorite nature trail, equipped with copious amounts of bug spray and water to drink.
Field trip to the Alexandria, LA zoo.
Enjoy the heck out of our family vacation without worrying about taking too many photos or capturing EVERY moment.
Other things that may happen and are fun (and mostly include water):
Water balloon fights.
Running in sprinklers.
Uno tournament.
Slurping down every last drop of a snow cone (or two)
Picnic lunches.
The things I remember about my summers as a child were not the big things. Yes, I have fond memories of our vacations as a family, typically traversing the western part of our great United States in my Dad’s Chevy truck, equipped with a camper, and spending many nights at KOA campgrounds.
But most of my memories center around things like chasing fireflies at dusk and climbing on top of the cab of my Dad’s truck to watch the July 4th fireworks across the street and letting watermelon juice drip down my chin. Or waiting for my Daddy to come home from work so he would take me to the pool and swim with me. Or riding my bike to my friend’s house and staying all day.
My kids are BUSY this month with camps (even overnight camp for my oldest) but besides a family vacation, July is open. This summer we are mixing it up with things to do and nothing to do. I hope it proves to be the perfect balance for a family that is in what I am calling “the sweet spot”.
What are you most looking forward to doing this summer with your kids?
Join me and my friends who are also Happy Mamas as we find the joy in this summer. Whatever your plans may be, I hope you find it and make memories that last a lifetime!
*stands for “down low”.
Our city does outdoor movies several times each summer. We didn’t make it there last year at all, so it’s definitely a goal of mine. The kids will LOVE staying up late and having popcorn outside <3
angela recently posted…A giant summer book giveaway
That would be so fun! Our little city does not do that. Just movies at the theater.
Oh how this makes my heart happy. Just reading through your “grasping joy” list makes me sigh with relief and peace. I am so glad you have decided to create the space in your life for these summer connections and adventures. I took 5 weeks off from blogging last summer when we moved. It was incredible how much that benefited me. I am not moving this summer (thank goodness) but I am 1 week away from a nice, long blogging break again. I find great confirmation for this decision in your beautiful post today. Thank you so much for walking beside me on this journey.
Hands Free Mama recently posted…If Life Could Begin Again, It Might Begin Like This
Thank YOU so much, for the inspiration. Hope you’re enjoying your break to the FULLEST!!
I would have been so sad if you had stopped blogging all summer! Though I love the carefree attitude. If you’re somehow able to magically find a way to make kids do chores without them thinking of it that way, please tell us all!!!
Leslie recently posted…Making Father’s Day Memorable – without Gifts
I will. It’s not gonna happen, but I will.
Thanks for being such a loyal reader and commenter, Leslie!
I totally believed you when you wrote you were taking the summer off. LOL I think it sounds like you have a lot of fun things lined up for the summer. I wish I could join you.
Jennifer recently posted…Netflix Recommendations
You can, come on over!
Enjoy your summer. We are doing a bit of camp 2 half days a week for 6 weeks and then have a few weeks of downtime. I’m hoping it works out well. I’m excited for summer.
Julia recently posted…Just the Two of Us
Sounds like a great balance! Enjoy yours too!
I was all about to ditch the blogging for the summer with you! Maybe something to the idea of unplugging from the computer but still writing and just building up a lot of great material. I might have to seriously ponder that! I’m most looking forward to a 2 week vacation with the family to the Jersey Shore. Beaches, boardwalks, fishing, boogie boarding, it doesn’t get much more memorable for us than that. We also love summer dinners at the Farmer’s market, family hikes and bike rides, and hanging at the pool. Oh, and can’t forget homemade popsicles, camping trips and roasted marshmallows, and the good ole slip n slide!
Jill Ginsberg recently posted…4 Tips for Looking AMAZING in Pictures (You Haven’t Heard Before)
Sounds like you have a great list of fun things to do too, Jill! And I would love to experience the Jersey shore. Instead, we’re hitting up Florida. I LOVE summer vacation.
And great idea about building up material… I like that!
Oh my gosh, now I’m stoked for summer too!!!! We are still a week from the kids being out of school and we are all SO READY! I love summer. I love no rules, staying up late, sleeping in and swimming and road trips and sand and ice cream outside and bare feet and I SERIOUSLY live for this season!!! Thanks for getting me so excited. It looks like you guys are going to have a great summer. I am stealing your read 30 minutes everyday idea. (And p.s. I’m so glad you aren’t taking a blog break until August. I look forward to your stories and your pictures and getting updates on your life!)
Angela@JumpingWithMyFingersCrossed recently posted…Middle Of Starting Over Again and Again and What I Know For Sure
Steal away! It’s good quiet time too. For everyone.
Summer is THE best!
I think you’re going to have a terrific summer!
Alison recently posted…The Long Goodbye
Surely your town has free movies for kids in some of the theaters, right? We go quite a bit to take advantage of that at the Alamo Drafthouse.
I know blogging will definitely lessen during summer, but I’m afraid to take the whole summer off. I know the more time I take off, the harder it is to get back into it.
Leigh Ann recently posted…the last day
Free? Um, no. “Only” $3.50, yes.
Love you list and your goals! I’ve unintentionally been a lot more unplugged lately….so now I’m at Starbucks on a Saturday evening playing catch up and had to stop in and say hi!
I don’t want to look back on this and regret!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Kids Digital Story Library | Disney Story Central
I play “catch up” at the coffee shop to, Krystyn! I kinda like it…
I totally believed you! But then again, I often go two months without posting.
(Read: Lazy.)
My son turns 18 this summer and my daughter turns 16.
If I post at all, it would be about that.
But I’m not sure I can get the words around it. How do I capture that span from Jack’s birth to his adulthood when I don’t believe it’s happened, myself?
Instead, I might have to hold my breath and not let it out until September.
I. Can’t. Even.
18??!?! What does that even mean? I’m having a hard time accepting the tween (who is 11), with his braces and semi attitude….