So yesterday, my now five-year old started his day with whip cream and a candle on his pankcakes.
Then he had frosted cookies to share at school.
And for dessert? A VERY lop-sided giant cupcake. With green sprinkles. a.k.a The Leaning Tower of cupcake. It simply defies the laws of gravity, doesn’t it?
Don’t worry, it was still tasty and the sugar over-loaded child didn’t go to bed until almost 10 p.m.
Mostly because he was still hyped up about his new friend and our new family member, “Sweepie” the hamster. Don’t ask where the critter’s name came from, I have no idea…
And a side note to my lovely husband – please don’t try to get him out of his cage in the middle of the kitchen and then drop him on the floor while we all scream as he scampers to and fro because he’s so darn fast and you can’t catch him and then I have visions of him getting stepped on or running under something never to be found again. Thank you. Not that this really happened or anything…

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Were you tweeting about this cupcake yesterday? Because if it was you I might be a little mad at you…it made me want a cupcake like CRAZY!!!
And your last paragraph…made me snort. I can just SEE it!!!
Happy Birthday to your big 5 year old!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY , and great pictures I hope he and his new best friend have great fun together
Holy Toledo, what a cupcake. My 3 year old wants it…bad.
Happy Birthday! My daughters birthday was on April Fools Day, and we are celebrating tonight, so I am sure there will be a huge sugar rush here, too!
Have you wished Julie a Happy Blogoversary today?
What are you waiting for?
Now that’s my idea of a cupcake! Yum!
And I am still laughing at the hamster story!! I would have been screaming and jumping on the table! Ha!
I want that cupcake. NOW!
Sweepie…maybe because he’s psychic and knows he’s gonna end up in the vacuum cleaner one day? Especially if you keep dropping him. Oh right, that didn’t happen.
Wow! What a perfect birthday! All sugary sweet and a hamster too! Awesome. My boys would be jealous. They had all the sweets, but didn’t get the hamster they wanted.
The cupcake still looks nice.
Happy Birthday B-Man!!
Happy birthday to your growing boy! That cupcake is awesome!
Eeeek! I would have screamed, too. I don’t do rodent pets!!
I just might be calling you up come November to borrow your ultra cool giant cupcake pan for a certain little girl’s birthday.
Happy birthday again, Mr B!
I actually love the name Sweepie!! It sounds like a perfect birthday!
I know you said not to ask, but…Sweepie??!!
What the hell??
Thats a fine lookin cupcake, btw…
But Hello…Sweepie??
Could it be that your new family member’s name is “Sweet Pea”?
Youre a good mom for allowing a rodent in your home!
Loved the cupcake! And don’t feel too bad. Peanut has a stuffed parrot named “creepy”. I have no idea…
awesome and happy birthday to you little man
Love the giant cupcake…..but not Sweepie. LOL! I don’t allow cage critters.
i don’t care if the giant cupcake leans or not – it’s still cake!!
I’m going to take a wild guess that the lopsidedness had no impact at all over the yum factor of the giant cupcake
Tink *~*~*
Strolling into the EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival
I hate to say it, but the part about the Hamster running around on the kitchen floor made me laugh….alot!
I know you must have been creeped out though!
The pictures look great…and that cupcake really does defy gravity! Crazy!
That is one delicious looking cupcake and it’s just cooler because it’s defying gravity.
A hamster? Oh no! I smell dog, cat and ferret in your future!
fabulous cake/cupcake!!! yum.
Gravity seems to be defied in your house! Definitely!
And, your hubby should leave little Sweepie in his cage indefinitely!
Happy Birthday B-Man!
Love the cupcake!
Awesome cake!! That is really cool, even with the little lean. lol! And how exciting to get a new pet! COngrats!
leaning tower of cupcake…i like it! sounds like it went well
i don’t think i could handle a hamster. i’m too wussy for anything that’s not a dog, and i don’t like cats. lol
that cupcake looks delicious…if only I could get one here!
Happy birthday to your big kid!! And I am so glad to hear that you got him a hamster. From the title I was sure you had gotten him a mouse!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the cupcake. Do you have a special pan that does that? Or what is your secret?
Happy Birthday to his Mama too.
Happy birthday to your big boy!
Sounds like he had a great day. Loved the giant cupcake. Can’t wait to see the party. Those little strawberry critters that you twittered about, look so cute.
Have fun.
we have a tradition of birthday pancakes, even my 30 year old daughter comes over for her pancakes
Here’s my photo story happy Friday!
what a cool gift! and loved the leaning cupcake
oh my word! that cupcake looks delicious…Super funny story about the escape artist pet, too.
yummy cake…looked like a fun birthday….oh my goodness I would have died if that thing was running around my house….thank goodness he survived, otherwise it could have been one birthday to really remember…..
You’re better than me, girl. I refuse to buy a pet that I cannot flush.
Happy, Happy Birthday to your oldest. “5” is so far my favorite year!!
LOVE the cupcake!!!! Such a cute blog!!! I will be back.
Oh yum!
And you are so brave…mice like creatures scare me!!!!!!!
My friend had a cupcake extravaganza for her daughters 1st b-day and that was her cake (not lopsided) I think the poor girl has a cupcake phobia… I don’t
Now I want a cupcake!
That last story made me laugh
What a yummy cupcake! And I hope Sweepie turns out to be a great pet. We had a hamster – Cinderella. She used to bite a lot, though. I hope Sweepie doesn’t bite.
BWAHAHAHA on the “Sweepie” thing. It’s like sweetie pie + swiffer. Totally awesome.
That cupcake is ginormous. Did you make it?