When I was growing up we had dogs. The first dog I remember (ok, don’t really remember him but have seen pictures, does that count?) was named Pepper and he was some sort of Dachshund mix. He died when I was three. Then we got Chester. He was a Beagle. Every.bit. a beagle. They bark a lot and he was NO exception. But we all loved him and he was supposedly my brother Chris’ dog but by the time he left this earth I am not sure the last time Chris had given him the time of day. Chester still out-lasted a few other dogs that we attained along the way, including my precious Cocoa (yes, the chocolate obsession started early).
Cocoa was a brown (big surprise!) mix of Doberman and Dachshund (supposedly) and was one the most nimble animals I have ever seen. He loved to run and chase squirrels, while aging Chester just kinda laid there on our patio watching him and barked a few times, cheering him on I guess. He was a spry one that Cocoa and I thought he was the coolest dog ever. He even taught himself to scale our 7-foot fence. We would go to the ball field across from our house and play “fetch” and he would just run and play like crazy. We had a lot of fun together and I became quite attached to my new friend.
The first summer we had Cocoa we took his puppy self on vacation with us to the beach. He had the cutest little puppy face and even though he punctured one of my favorite floaties with his sharp little claws, I just had to forgive him. I mean who could resist a cute such a face? I thought it was so cool that we got to take our dog with us on vacation because we had never done that before. I was ten, things like this were cool. Gimme a break.
We didn’t have Cocoa very long before there was an accident and he went on to doggie heaven. I remember that day very clearly. My mother picked me up from dance class and as we pulled into the driveway she told me that she had some sad news. I was a little freaked wondering what she was going to tell me. That was when she told me that Cocoa had gotten out of the backyard and been hit by a car and died. And so the lies began…
Now, fast forward oh… about 12 years and we are out to breakfast with my boyfriend (now husband), my brother and his wife and my parents. We are having fun and many laughs reminiscing about the dogs in our family and at one point my mother says, “Yeah, and then there was Cocoa who hung himself on the fence.” I think my eyes popped out of my head and my heart stopped. “HE WHAT??!?!,” I exclaimed. “You told me that he had been hit by a car.” There was silence at the table until my boyfriend (now husband) started laughing. Thanks honey. The rest of the meal was my mother trying to explain how she did not want to have to tell me that he died that way and so she and Dad agreed to fabricate the story just a little. She was trying to protect the innocent (a.k.a Me). See Cocoa had been tied up so that he wouldn’t scale the fence again and he decided he was going to try anyway. Yep, that’s what really happened.
Later that evening another one of my brothers walked into my parent’s house and said, “Heard you found out about Cocoa.” And one of my sister-in-laws called to say that she’d known the truth all along. My ENTIRE family had been lying to me for years, even the newbies. Heart-wrenching. I think even some of my nieces and nephews knew the truth before me.
So now, as a parent myself, I wonder what I would have done if faced with the same situation. I think I would have probably told my kid the truth but who knows, I have never been there. I still like to tease my parents about lying to me and if one of my brothers is around when I do, they just start cracking up. I bet when my parents decided to “fib” a little that day they had no idea that this story would become a family legacy. Yep, that’s right, someday I will tell my boys about this. I mean everyone in the family might as well know, right?
thats so sad…
I can see why they lied to you though. Poor Cocoa. I don’t know how I would handle it either. We try to be the really honest parents but sometimes discretion is needed… I guess they could have told you that he ran away…
That’s tough–poor puppy
I would rather have the lie. I think I’m going to have nightmares tonight. Poor pups.
Kinda funny that everyone knew but you. hehe
That’s funny how everyone in the family knew. It sounds like something my family would do. Atleast they did tell you that he had died and didn’t lie and say he went to some “farm” to live.
That is so horrible, but I can understand why you were not told. The timeline of the lie is not necessary. Although being hit by a car is just as bad! I probably would do the same for my daughter, maybe not the hit by a car but something less extreme. I guess you learn from everything.
Oh we have lots of those in my family! If it makes you feel better!?!
My dad liked to play tricks on us and one time he convinced my brother (then 7) that his favorite Professional Baseball Player called him after he wrote a fan letter. Until my brother was 19, he had no idea it was fake. he was heartbroken!
That’s sad!
I can’t believe that EVERYBODY knew except you! I guess you could say that they really loved you and wanted to protect you, right?
I liked the lie better! Some things are just better that way… it is funny though that everyone knew but you!
Oh, so sad – poor pup! It’s hard as parents…knowing when to protect our wee ones, and when to let them see the not-always-pretty truth.
Oh that is just terrible! So sad!
So sorry about the lie but i’m sure they thought it was best. But, by the way pictures woman pictures.
I would have been all “Cocoa hurt himself trying to jump the fence and he died.” If pressed for details, I would have been all “It doesn’t matter. Poor Cocoa is in doggy heaven.”
That’s pretty bad. Mine lied for 20 years about my name!
The same thing happened to me. I was told my dog ran away when she actually got tied up around something on her dogrun on a hot day and died from the heat. My dad couldn’t live with the lie anymore and told me about 5 years later. I guess he figured I could handle it then.
I think I would do the same thing as a parent.
It’s a little bit funny but aren’t you a little glad she didn’t tell you that when you were 10?
Poor Cocoa!
Still catching up as you can see, you all were busy this week posting!
Oh man! Poor doggy. That is so sad.
This is why you shouldn’t lie…cause it always comes out in the end!
That’s so sad about Cocoa! I’m so sorry you were lied to, but probably best you didn’t know the grisley details.