We could see the ominous clouds rolling in from across the lake but there was still sun over our so-small corner of the world.
The kids continued to swim for a bit as the winds shifted and the shapes in the sky quickly changed each time I looked away and then back again.
The air was now different and less “summery”.
The fire already lit for s’mores, we made our way to the back, our mouths watering for the combined flavors of puffy marshmallow, melting chocolate and crunchy graham.
We made it just in time to enjoy a few of our special treats and chat by the flames before the first drops fell to cool our sun-kissed skin.
My last, huge marshmallow caught fire and I blew it out laughing as I puckered my lips, trying to soak in every moment, sticky fingers and all.
I couldn’t remember the last time I made s’mores by a real fire.
They tasted SO much better that way…
Later that night I plopped K in the bottom bunk, her temporary bed while at the cottage. I covered her with her favorite blankie and tucked her “stuffies” all around her.
As the thunder rolled, so did her cries of exhaustion and of not wanting to miss any little thing. Two storms raging at once. I know those feelings too, even at 38 years of age.
I calmed her with a lullaby as the falling raindrops sounded above our heads.
She slowly stopped fussing, her little cries only a whimper that soon turned into heavier breaths and then little girl snores.
My mind drifted off as she did and as I lay next to her these words came to me.
“My life goes on in endless song,
Above earth’s lamentation
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation…
No storm can shake my inmost calm,
While to that rock I’m clinging
If love is Lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?”
And then I was calm too and I felt my heartbeat slow. I LISTENED to the rain and my baby girl’s breath. I felt her warm body next to mine, as I watched her little chest rise and fall, her still small hands, splayed across her chest.
I froze the moments in my mind. Forever.
My life does flow on in endless song but lately some things HAVE kept me from singing.
And I really think it is time to change that now…
Our time away gave me some new perspective on many things. And for that I will always be grateful…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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